First Pay Raise for Yonkers City Council in 10 Years & for Mayor in 20 Years, Under Review

Yonkers City Hall

By Dan Murphy

The Yonkers City Council will review a plan to increase the salaries for Council members and for the Mayor at their meeting on Dec. 12. City Council salaries have not been increased in 10 years since 2014, and the Mayor’s salary has not been increased in 20 years, since 2004.

Under the plan, City Council salaries will increase from $48,000 to $58,000 per year, plus stipends for serving in leadership positions and as Committee Chairs. The Mayor’s salary will increase from $158,000 to $228,500 if adopted by the council.

City Councilman Anthony Merante stated that he will vote no on the salary increase. “I will be voting NO on this pay raise proposal. I believe it’s highly unethical to vote your own raises. If anything , the Council should be voting only on a pay raise for the next administration and the Council should not directly benefit themselves. If the raises proposal passes,  l will give mine back by donating $500 per month to charitable organizations in my sixth district. In addition, Councilmembers get a city car and free gas along with other perks.

“Since first elected, I have refused a city car because I don’t believe taxpayers should be paying for my ride. Many politicians have forgotten that they are public servants which means serving the public not themselves. When you run for political office, everyone knows what the salary is. If the pay scale is not satisfactory just don’t run,” stated Merante.