East Yonkers Kiwanis Honors Nurses

photos by Donna Davis—Annette Volino, far left, chair Nurse Appreciation Awards and Brandon Neider, far right, East Kiwanis President, with this year’s Nurse honorees
L-R-Mayor Mike Spano, Councilwoman Corazon Pineda-Isaac, East Kiwanis Pres Brandon Neider, Nurse Awards Chair Annette Volino, Dr. Ron Volino, Council President Mike Khader, Council Majority Leader Micheal Sabatino-photo by Donna Davis

Some of the unsung heroes in Yonkers, and in any community, are our nurses who help deliver health care services to all of us every day. On May 8, East Yonkers Kiwanis honored Yonkers area nurses at its 10th annual Nurse Appreciation Awards and Dinner at The Riverview.

The chairperson of this event every year has been Annette Volino. “We honor outstanding nurses serving our community at hospitals, schools, and other facilities for their unique sense of dedication,” she said.

This year’s honorees were RNs Saly Mathew, Tina Franceschini, Alice Thomas, Phyllis Lombardi, Maria Rivera, Rafaela Jaco, Alba Rodriguez, Danielle Veli and Raymund Solis.

East Kiwanis President Brandon Neider welcomed the honorees, elected officials and friends and families of the nurses honored. Board member Alan Kravath led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Kiwanis Bronx-Westchester Lt. Gov. John Bartunek also made remarks.

Councilwoman Corazon Pineda-Isaac, Mayor Mike Spano, City Council President Mike Khader and City Council Majority Leader Michael Sabatino also attended, and joined in thanking our nurses.