Westchester County Legislators James Nolan of the 15th District and David Tubiolo of the 14th District delivered a Proclamation to Delfim Heusler, pictured above, Publisher of Yonkers Insider for his 19 Year Anniversary of Covering News in Yonkers and Westchester County. The Proclamation Proclaims that Saturday, December 3rd was Delfim Heusler in Westchester County.
Delfim Heusler said,” I want to thank the Westchester County Legislature and In Particular Westchester County Legislators James Nolan of the 15th District and David Tubiolo of the 14th District for the Proclamation in Recognizing me and my News Reporting for the Last 19 Years.
“I look forward to Reporting the News in Yonkers and Westchester County for many years to come. I am not nothing without my Loyal Readers and Followers, I thank all of you guys. I thank my Family, My Father Paul Heusler, My Aunt Maggie Smith, My Godmother Marie May, My Aunt Dolores Joao and all of my Cousins and my Aunts I thank my family and I thank all my many Friends who are my Backbone in my life. I love all of you. I also thank my second Family the Daly Family – Carol & Tom and the rest of The Daly Family.
“I salute dear friends like my Best Friend Virginia Perez, My dear friend Carol B, my other friends like Brandi Campbell, Tasha Diaz, Mobetta Perry, Lorraine Lopez, Brian Harrod, Dan Murphy, Ru Ros, Vincent Spano, Vince Collazzi, Steve Simpson, Jen Oelkers, The Late James Wieland who got me into reporting the News and many more friends too many to mention. I always try and treat people with Respect and the Way that I would want to treated.” said Heusler.