Councilmember Yadira Ramos-Herbert Running to be First Female Mayor of New Rochelle

Pledges to Build a City that Truly Meets the Needs of Everyone

Councilmember Yadira Ramos-Herbert (District 3) has announced her candidacy for New Rochelle Mayor. 

A Columbia Law School Administrator, Ramos-Herbert was first elected to the New Rochelle City Council in 2019.  

Ramos-Herbert wants to build on the work she has done in her time on the council, including housing affordability, redistricting, expanding our summer youth employment program, police accountability and COVID response and recovery.  

“I’ve had the honor and privilege to serve our city as a Councilwoman and I will bring that same passion and energy that I used to tackle police accountability, COVID-19 vaccine distribution and increasing summer youth employment to the Mayorship. I promise to give all of our neighbors, community groups and organizations a seat at the table when decisions are made so that everyone has a voice in how we tackle issues that matter.”, said Ramos-Herbert.

The most important issues facing New Rochelle are housing affordability, climate resiliency and ensuring quality of life concerns are addressed.

With the continued growth in our downtown core, the Mayor and Council need to continue to work to expand housing affordability. New Rochelle is also not immune from the impact of climate change and proactive planning is  necessary to protect residents. Finally, it is imperative that we ensure two-way dialogue among all residents to ensure the City is listening and responsive to community concerns,” explained Ramos-Herbert.

Prior to her 2019 election to the New Rochelle City Council, Yadira served as a New Rochelle Public Library Trustee, a member of the Lincoln Avenue Task Force, a planning committee member for the Downtown Revitalization Initiative, a member of the Task Force on Reducing Violence in the Lives of Children and Youth, board member of NewRo Runners, youth group leader at New Rochelle United Methodist Church and president of her homeowner’s association.

Yadira received her B.A. in History from St. Francis College and her law degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School. She practiced law for eight years before she returned to school in order to obtain her M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration from Northeastern University. She is currently the Associate Dean for Student and Registration Services at Columbia Law School. 

In her free time, you will find Yadira running, reading and spending time with her wonderful family (husband and two school-aged children).

For more information about Yadira and the campaign, visit her website at, .