Tim Hodges, a Democrat-Conservative running for the 6th City Council District seat in Yonkers, plans to tackle the concerns of residents regarding the increase in predatory wildlife such as coyotes in District 6.
In recent years, there has been a continued increase in sightings of predatory wildlife that pose a very real risk for children and pets of Yonkers residents. Numerous articles have been written about increased sightings of coyotes and attacks on residents. As a father and a dog owner himself, Tim Hodges knows all too well the risk posed by having coyotes freely roaming around in public areas in Yonkers, especially in parks and backyards.
“Many residents in neighborhoods such as Homefield, Nepera Park, and Beech Hill have made it known to me that this is an important issue, as it directly impacts the safety of their neighborhoods and families. These residents have told me their first-hand experiences of near-misses with coyotes, raccoons, and skunks.” Tim said. “No resident in District 6 should be fearful when leaving their homes, having their children or pets play in their backyard, or being at the park. Neighboring towns such as Greenburgh have an integrated animal control division within their police department, and I think that Yonkers should follow suit. I want to implement a plan to resolve this issue, and when I am elected as your next Councilman, I will do everything to continue my service to the people of Yonkers to take these concerns and turn them into concrete policy. I believe that a study into the matter is the first crucial step in this process.”
Tim Hodges is a Democrat-Conservative running for the 6th City Council District seat in Yonkers. As a lifelong Yonkers native living in the Bryn Mawr neighborhood with his wife and child and thirty-four year veteran of the Yonkers Police Department, Tim Hodges has the vision and experience necessary to help Yonkers succeed. He is involved in and on the boards of numerous organizations in Yonkers, including the Yonkers Rotary Club, the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society of Westchester, and the Gift of Life International.