Democratic judicial candidates L-R-Judge Fran Connolly, Judge Charley Wood, Judge Rolf Thorsen, Judge Larry Schwartz

Republican Judicial candidates, L-R-John Sarcone, Hon. Susan Sullivan-Bisceglia, Karen Ostberg, John Ciampoli
The Westchester County Bar Association and Dutchess County Bar Association recently released their rankings for the 4 democratic and 4 republican candidates for State Supreme Court in the 9th Judicial District.
The Westchester County Bar Association gave three democratic candidates, Judge Charley Wood, Judge Fran Connolly and Judge Rolf Thorsen an Exceptionally Well Qualified ranking.
Judge Larry Schwartz got a well-qualified rating, as did two republican candidates for State Supreme Court: John Sarcone and Susan Sullivan-Bisceglia.
Republican judicial candidate John Ciampoli received a qualified rating, and republican candidate Karen Ostberg received a not qualified based on her failure to appear for an interview.
The Dutchess County Bar Association also gave the eight judicial candidates their ratings, with Highly Qualified the highest. 6 candidates were screened for position of Justice of the Supreme Court:
Hon. Charley Wood was found to be highly qualified.
Hon. Francesca Connolly was found to be highly qualified.
John Sarcone, Esq. was found to be qualified.
Hon. Larry Schwartz was found to be well qualified.
Hon. Susan Sullivan-Bisceglia was found to be well qualified.
Hon. Rolf Thorsen was found to be well qualified.
One member of the legal community commented, “it is important to review the ratings from the local bar associations, who take into account the candidate’s ability to serve as an impartial Judge, with no political motives. In addition to Westchester and Dutchess, look for more ratings to come before Election Day Nov. 7. Qualifications Matter.”