With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still keeping many Americans at home, the American Heart Association (AHA), the leading voluntary health organization focused on heart and brain health for all, remains committed to funding groundbreaking research and helping people live healthier lives through walking together. The AHA’s iconic Westchester & Putnam Heart Walks are being transformed into a new Heart Walk Experience, providing a way for people to get active, celebrate heart and stroke survivors, and raise life-saving funds.
“Now, more than ever, we’re all looking for ways to connect with others, stay active and stay encouraged,” said Howard Klein, CPA, MST, Chairman of the American Heart Association’s Westchester Board of Directors and Tax Partner at Citrin Cooperman. “Our week-long digital experience allows everyone to continue to have fun and support our lifesaving mission, while spending more time at home. We are grateful for the support from our community and can’t wait to see how everyone makes the Heart Walk their own.”
On Friday, March 26 – Thursday, April 1 Westchester & Putnam Heart Walk participants and teams will not physically meet but are invited to get moving at home or around their neighborhood. Here are a few activities to consider choosing from:
- Take a walk outside (while following current social distancing guidelines).
- Get the whole family involved and have an indoor dance party.
- Try out a few strengthening exercises like push-ups, lunges and squats.
- Create an at home circuit workout.
- “This year, we will walk together as ONE because so much is at stake,” said Mr. Klein. “COVID-19 has only strengthened our resolve because 40% of those hospitalized due to COVID-19 are stroke survivors or people with heart disease. With our help the American Heart Association is investing in new research and training front line workers, while they continue the fight against heart disease and stroke.”
To register for the Westchester Heart Walk visit www.westchesterheartwalk.org or to register for the Putnam Heart Walk visit www.putnamheartwalk.org – from there participants can stay up to date by downloading the Heart Walk mobile app and encourage friends and family to join in via e-mail or on social media. Everyone is encouraged to wear red and post pictures on our Facebook event page at http://spr.ly/wpheartwalk. And check out the Heart Walk Experience Flipbook for the full Heart Walk Experience!
For more information visit www.westchesterheartwalk.org; www.putnamheartwalk.org.