Assemblyman Tom Abinanti has called for a COVID-19-specific 2020-21 state budget tailored to meet the needs of New York State residents, and joined good government groups in urging that non-emergency policy matters be delayed until after the pandemic has passed.
In a letter to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, Abinanti suggested a list of needs that should be addressed in the new budget, including distribution of food, availability of medical care, and keeping people employed. He also suggested that the budget address various technical matters impacted by the pandemic in election law, education and intergovernmental relations.
“The 2020-21 budget must accommodate the new needs of New Yorkers as their lives have been dramatically changed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Abinanti. “In addition, while the Legislature has given the governor extraordinary powers, there are certain matters that should remain within the prerogative of the Legislature.”
Abinanti noted that executive unilateral changes in election procedures set a precedent that endangers Democracy. The Legislature, not the governor, should address all issues regarding elections, he said.
Abinanti called for immediate broadening of the availability of Medicaid on an emergency basis to anyone without health insurance who is now unemployed. He also called for the expansion of various home services to care for vulnerable and medically fragile New Yorkers who are now homebound but find themselves with none of the in-home assistance they had before the pandemic.
Last week, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that due to the Coronavirus, declining state revenues and the fact that the federal government did not adequately help fund New York State government, the state has an $8 billion budget hole that will result in cuts to education funding to local school districts. Many local governments and school districts will now be facing layoffs.
Abinanti suggested that, to address the immediate problem of school closures and home learning needs, “the budget should include an emergency allotment for an emergency immediate purchase of tablets for schools to distribute to students who lack computers and/or internet at home for e-learning purposes.”