Bird Flu Detected at South Salem Animal Shelter No Public Health Threat Identified — No Human Cases Reported in New York State

The Westchester County Department of Health has learned that multiple birds at an animal facility in South Salem have tested positive for bird flu, and about 60 birds died or were euthanized. The facility, Animal Nation, is a Farm Animal Rescue & Sanctuary located in South Salem. The facility has been closed to the public since the fall, and there is no risk of public exposure. However, staff and volunteers are being notified, and the Westchester County Health Department is actively reaching out to them to monitor for any symptoms of bird flu.

Health Commissioner Dr. Sherlita Amler said: “The best way we can all be protected is to avoid contact with any sick or dying animals. While there is no risk to the public at this time, it’s important that we all remain vigilant. The Health Department is closely monitoring the situation and supporting those who may have been exposed.”

If a dead bird is found on a property, it should be disposed of in accordance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) guidance. Proper precautions include wearing disposable gloves, a mask and eye protection. Avoid direct contact with the animal and its fluids, keep children and pets away, use a shovel, and wash hands and clothing immediately after with soap and hot water. Carcasses should be triple-bagged in garbage or contractor bags and placed in an outdoor trash can.

Amler also advised residents to keep their children and pets away from sick or dead birds and not to directly touch any sick or dying animal.

In cases where multiple dead birds are observed in a single location, it is recommended to report the incident to the DEC. More  information about wildlife health is available at the NYSDEC Wildlife Health webpage.

On Feb. 7, the Town of Mount Pleasant received confirmation that the Canada geese found dead Sunday at a pond in a local park tested positive for Avian Flu. The State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) found two separate strains of the disease commonly known as Bird Flu.

AvianAvian Influenza Resources:

Centers for Disease Control
New York State Department of Health
American Veterinary Medical Association