A Cordial Congressional Debate in -NY-16: George Latimer vs. Dr. Miriam Levitt-Flisser

By Dan Murphy

The Westchester County League of Women Voters sponsored a debate between the two candidates for Congress in the 16th District of NY, which includes mid and lower Westchester County. Democrat George Latimer and Republican Dr. Miriam Levitt-Flisser cordially exchanged their views on the issues facing voters.

Why are you running for Congress?

Latimer-The person you want to send to Washington has to understand these communities best and should intimately know their needs, which are not all the same. You also need to have a track record of accomplishing things. It will not be easy to accomplish anything in the House.

“I’ve proven over the years that I understand the level of work and energy that it takes to get results. This is not about how many times you can get on MSNBC. I’ve proved that I can stand up to my party and work cooperatively with my party and work across party lines.”

Dr. Levitt-Flisser-“I’m a pediatrician. I was born in Europe, my parents smuggled me out. The USA has given me the opportunity for an education and a career in medicine. I’m motivated by my gratitude.

“I was the Mayor of Scarsdale. You deserve to be safe. You deserve your schools to be responsive to parents. You deserve a secure border, and a government that makes sensible use of your tax dollars.

Does the Federal Government have a role in regulating free speech?

Latimer- “When some move into areas where they misrepresent the truth, it becomes negative to society. But who becomes the thought police? I’m not comfortable with government having that power.”

Dr. Flisser- “How rare is it that we have free speech in the world. Even England and Canada don’t have our free speech. I don’t believe speech should be used as a weapon; it can harm children.”

Your Views on Campaign Finance Reform?

Dr. Flisser-Right now in New York State you can use a grant funded by your taxes for campaign funds. I don’t support that.

Latimer-After the US Supreme Court decided in citizens united that the spending of money is the same as free speech, then those who have more money can spend more of it. If you are looking to get big money out of politics, you are going to have a hard time doing it. I was outspent in most of my political races.”


Latimer- “The bi-partisan effort in the Senate was heading in the right direction. We need tightened security, but you don’t need a big wall. Any new bill should also have a revision to asylum. We had to deal with migrants coming into Westchester and I suggested that they open immigration courts here. The whole system has to be overhauled. But you also need to be realistic and have a program for immigrant workers.”

Dr. Flisser- “I am an immigrant. I came here legally and spent two years in a displacement camps in Germany to wait. There are 300,000 migrant children that have been lost in our country. They are experiencing much more horrible things than child labor. This is what happens if you allow an open border. I am also against the increase in crime associated with increased migrants coming here. It’s not sustainable and I believe in a secure border.”

Gun Control:

Latimer-“There is no proposal to take guns away from people, but to keep guns out of the hands of criminals with universal background checks, people have to wait a few days, that’s not taking away your right to a gun.


Latimer-“You have to leave it to the individual to make the decision. You have people who want to restrict it severely. I believe that if you have a republican house and a republican senate and a republican president, you will have a law advanced to end a woman’s right to an abortion that will restrict or end a woman’s right to choose.”

Dr. Flisser- “I am in favor of life. We should continue our good New York policy, and I hope we don’t have to go under federal rules.”

Should there be changes to the US Supreme Court?

Dr. Flisser “I do not think that congress should pack the court. The court has to be independent and not influenced by outsiders. I’m against that kind of change –I believe in the separation of powers.

Latimer- “We agree that we should not add judges to the court. You might wind up with more judges that you don’t like. I do believe in ethical standards for all three branches of government.”

Closing statement:

Dr. Flisser: “In other debates, people fought with each other in other. This is the way it should be done. People can listen and vote the way they want.

Latimer-“I have great respect for her medical career and her time as Mayor of Scarsdale. This is a proper dialogue of democracy. I had a primary earlier this year and it wasn’t as cordial.

“I did not desire to go to Congress at this stage of my life. Circumstances in my political party urged me to get into this race. I felt the incumbent was not properly representing this district. I go to Washington prepared to negotiate and work across the aisle if we can find common ground on immigration and other issues then my service will be worthwhile. “

Both Laitmer and Flisser supported a restoration of the unlimited SALT tax deduction. Watch the debate at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCXc8ZFMdHo