Drunk Driver Ordered to Pay Victims Family $200 MILLION!!!

Noah Benardout

Mothers Against Drunk Driving was devastated when 24-year-old Noah Benardout was killed while waiting on the sidewalk to cross the street in a crash caused by a speeding drunk driver.

In a landmark judgment last Friday, the driver, Jacob D. Gralitzer, was ordered to pay Noah’s family $200 million in damages. This judgment sends a resounding rebuke to anyone who thinks drunk driving is simply a mistake or accident. Drunk driving is a violent and 100% preventable crime and the leading killer on America’s roads. It is vital that people who choose to drive drunk are held accountable for the pain they cause.

This judgment helps to bring a small sense of justice to Noah’s family, who were outraged by the outcome of the criminal case. Noah’s killer was sentenced to 4 years in state prison, of which he only served 7 weeks before he was moved to a rehabilitation center.

“This judgment will never bring back our beautiful son Noah, but what we hope it will do is to send a strong message to the people who continue to drink and drive, and whose selfish actions take innocent lives on a daily basis,” said Noah’s father, Marc Benardout, a National Board Member of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. “Our safety is a basic human right and people who flagrantly ignore this need to be stopped today. We need policy makers and legislators in California and across the country to come together and say that enough is enough.”

Noah’s mother Marie Benardout added: “We’re standing here today with this landmark judgment and we hope that we can prevent other families like ourselves from going through this life sentence of pain and misery that we now must endure,”

Our hearts are with the Benardout family and loved ones of all those impacted. MADD provides supportive services to survivors of drunk and drugged driving at no charge through local victim advocates and the 24-Hour Victim Help Line. If you or someone you know needs help, MADD is here for you at 1-877-MADD-HELP. #NoMoreVictims | Noah Benardout Foundation