Westchester Parks Foundation Hosts Fujifilm for 9/11 Memorial Clean Up at Kensico Dam

FUJIFILM employees volunteer in memory of 9/11 at Kensico Dam and The Rising Memorial

 In honor and remembrance of September 11thWestchester Parks Foundation (WPF) hosted executives and employees of FUJIFILM Holdings America Corporation, FUJIFILM North America Corporation, FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A. and FUJIFILM Recording Media U.S.A. at Kensico Dam to clean up and beautify the park and its “Circle of Remembrance” that rings The Rising, Westchester County’s 9/11 Memorial at Kensico Dam.  

Marking Fujifilm’s 19th annual Volunteer Day activities, the cleanup effort is part of WPF’s Adopt-a-Park campaign. Company volunteers cleaned the park in preparation for the 20th remembrance of 9/11, cleaning the memorial, removing litter and debris, weeding, and mulching. WPF leaders praised the corporation’s longstanding support and commitment to the community. 

“Fujifilm has long been recognized in Westchester as a leader in environmental responsibility and volunteerism,” stated Joe Stout, executive director of the WPF. “We thank Fujifilm for their continuing commitment to this park and as the shining example of what it means to be a great corporate partner.”  

“Fujifilm was one of the first businesses to partner with the Foundation’s Adopt-a-Park stewardship program, with a team of employee volunteers planting an entrance garden at Kensico in 2002,” stated Erin Cordiner, WPF director of philanthropy & community engagement. “We truly appreciate the contributions made by companies such as Fujifilm, and their employees. These donations of time and money help improve our parks at no additional cost to the taxpayer.” 

Tetsuya Iwasaki, president of FUJIFILM Holdings America Corp. and president/CEO of FUJIFILM North America Corp., presented the WPF with a $7,500 check on behalf of the company and its nearly 300 local employees. 

“Fujifilm believes in being a good neighbor here in Westchester and in all the communities where we operate around the world,” said Mr. Iwasaki. “We are humbled to play a small part in the remembrance of those from our community who were lost on September 11, 2001. And we believe firmly in the WPF’s mission to preserve and conserve the Westchester County Parks system for the enjoyment of all. Our global commitment to creating a more sustainable, healthier and safer world is reflected here, today, by our employee volunteers.”  

The Westchester Parks Foundation’s mission is to engage the public to advocate for and invest in the preservation, conservation, use, and enjoyment of the 18,000 acres of parks, trails, and open spaces within the Westchester County Parks system. For more information about Westchester Parks Foundation, visit www.thewpf.org.