By Eric W. Schoen
Will I finally be able to put my own milk in my Starbucks Coffee? In my quad espresso over ice I like 4 Stevia, the healthiest no calorie artificial sweetener on the market, a touch of half and half and the rest 2% milk.
Now I can prepare my coffee (Splenda substituting for Stevia), what you would call an adult chemistry experiment making sure everything was just right the way I wanted it at Panera (Franchise Stores Only) or 7-Eleven. But Starbucks and Panera company owned stores imposed a Covid restriction not allowing me to put my milk nor sweetener in myself afraid I would get Covid.
This is the kind of crazy rule which made absolutely no sense that we had to put up with during the pandemic. Now that New York State has put at least one shot in the arms of 70% of New Yorkers, the Covid rules are going to hopefully come to an end. People except those who have not been vaccinated will, hopefully be able to live their lives like normal once again.
You won’t have to mask up when you see someone coming close to you making that person feel like he or she was a bee getting ready to sting you. You won’t have to bring home over $1000 in bathing suits like my sister had to do last summer when Lord and Taylor’s, now a distant dream would not allow her to try on items in their fitting rooms.
Old Navy lets people try on things in their fitting rooms. And other than sales people removing clothing that slobs would leave in the Old Navy fitting rooms and not return to the rack to be put back on display, I didn’t see the Old Navy clerks doing anything special to sanitize the fitting rooms after each customer would finish.
The six foot rule making lines in stores seem endless will come to an end. How many times did you see the lengthy line and put the items you were going to purchase down. Stores will be able to open salad bars and allow people to pick muffins out of the bakery case.
Just like there were so many rules put in place during the pandemic, many just at the whim of a merchant, our State government will have to be clear as to what ‘opening up’ really is. Will the unvaccinated have to play by the rules that were in place or will we all be able to drop the many Covid restrictions that were in place.
What happens when you go to visit a friend or shop in Monsey, New York where the percentage of people vaccinated is less than 20%. Or other areas in the five boroughs with low vaccination rates. Will we have to mask up or follow the rules for social distancing we have been following these last 14, 15 months. Will there be vaccinated and non vaccinated areas at baseball stadiums and as we head into the fall football stadiums.
What will our schools look like in the fall? Can we take the plexiglass off the desks? Will school buses be able to have their normal pre-pandemic loads or will students have to be socially distant facing one way.
So many questions that need to be answered. But one thing for sure. If you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet what are you waiting for? And personally, I have no problem with businesses whether it be a hospital or a college mandating that those who work or learn in their facility are vaccinated. Don’t get me wrong, if there is some reason you can’t get vaccinated due to health issues or other legitimate reasons I understand and support you.
But there are still a large percentage of the population perfectly healthy to get the vaccine that need to role up their sleeves and get it. Particularly with all these variants we are hearing about. To those eligible but who haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, all I can say is stop being a big baby and endangering the health of your loved ones. By the way, isn’t it so nice to hug the ones you love as the vaccinated have recently been able to do!
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Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store for free.