By Eric Wolf Schoen
Typical day last week. I went for my coffee to Panera and someone came up to me upset at a Red Light Ticket they received. They wanted my advice how to fight it. They knew my opposition to the cameras having read it in Yonkers Rising.
I parked my car on South Broadway in the Square to pick something up and a long time friend said she enjoyed my column. I went to Will Library and one of the Security Guards came up to me and asked if was the guy in the newspaper. I was looking at the bulletin boards and someone came up to me and said they enjoy my column.
Let’s not even mention the times I witnessed someone with a copy of the paper and jokingly asked them if they ever read the column on page 3 in the newspaper. We opened the paper and the astute readers said, ‘Isn’t that you?’
600 columns down, about twelve years of weekly writing, and trucks are still trying to go under bridges way too low for them on our region’s parkways. I saw it again last week, the truck having to be backed up, traffic backed up at least a quarter mile on the Saw Mill south approaching the Cross County. If I don’t see it, I hear it on the radio from the entrance to Yonkers to the border line on the Hutchinson River Parkway. Quite often when the truck gets wedged traffic is backed up north and south, east and west but we were lucky last week that the truck stopped before it reached the bridge at Yonkers Avenue so it didn’t back up traffic in all directions. No one from the NYS Transportation Department is willing to address the problem. This problem must be a major expense in that the bridge has to be inspected to insure it’s integrity every time there is a hit.
Red light cameras. Writing about them is always fun as it’s rare I don’t get a response. It seems like everyone has gotten one that costs not just the $50 in the legislation but an extra $15 ‘service’ fee. The traffic lights are not calibrated, and if you get too close to the light you will get a $65 ticket. Cars still stop short causing rear end accidents, a problem since the programs inception. It’s a money maker for the city and has nothing to do with traffic safety. Fortunately people know where the cameras are by this point and try to avoid them.
Every other WESTCHESTER community has signs leading up to the cameras alerting motorists to their existence. The signs are just as effective as the cameras themselves. Problem is no one in City Hall gets it and they are just worried about the dollars the program brings in.
Bail reform the State Legislature passed is of little concern to the people of Yonkers and Westchester county. The only affect it has is when someone commits a crime that use to require bail or incarceration and now the person is set free. Free to commit more crimes!
The smell of cigarette smoke has been replaced by marijuana smoke. The only beneficiaries are the smoke shops and the supposed individuals who have been affected by previous laws and now get priority in obtaining a marijuana sale license. These people broke the laws and are now getting rewarded for it? Crazy!
We lost Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse, a Yonkers staple missed by everyone. Many ethnic restaurants have opened throughout Yonkers and Westchester, and Yonkers will soon be home to Westchester county’s first Chick-Fil-A. Some people love them, this writer has had better, particularly with French fries vs. the thick fries down the street at Nathan’s.
The games our politicians have played with term limits are nothing but a joke. They have gone from a voter approved two 4 limit terms to 3 four year terms and now they are on their way to four 4 limit terms. Mayor Spano assured me that he was not in favor of terms greater than two 4 limit terms, and then went against his word approving the extension to three 4 four year terms. The question is not that Mayor Spano is doing a bad job. There are other people in the third largest city in New York State who can do the job of Mayor. Councilpersons are part time jobs according to the City Charter but they make them full time jobs.
While we are talking about elected officials, I have never seen a press release from either Councilpersons or Mayor that didn’t start with the word, ‘I.’ Elected officials are partners with the people, elected with the support of the people so ‘We’ is a more appropriate word. It gets tiring when all you read is ‘I’ and ‘me’ and the occasional ‘we.’
We’ve discussed McDonalds coffee price increase (still $1 if you have the app) and my terrible experience at the pancake restaurant almost on the yonkers Greenburgh border as well as the robbery at my 7 Eleven. I still prefer plastic bags at the supermarket but I can live with disposable bags or paper bags for my groceries.
I never miss a chance to talk about my parents or my sister. Checking to make sure your health insurance plan is up to date is critical in this day and age. Could never understand why Kate Smith no longer sings ‘God Bless America’ in our ball parks or why the President of our Yonkers School Board gets paid $15,000 for a volunteer job. Even Mayor Spano agreed with me on that one.
I’ve written stories about such iconic figures as Len Spano and Angelo Martinelli upon their passing. Story about about a Police Officer killed in the line of duty. Reviews of WESTCHESTER Broadway Theater productions until it’s sad closing. I questioned Why in the pandemic YPIE funds weren’t spent on more computers for Yonkers students.
Getty Square hasn’t changed much and until someone comes up with a plan, I would not spend $3,000 to live on the Waterfront.
So much ahead. George Santos. Need I slay more? Will all candidates running for office have to have extensive background checks? What happens when the COVID money run out with the Yonkers budget? The TARGET taking over Sears and Wanamakers. With schools being build on the West side of town will bussing either be cut back or eliminated. Will churches and Parochial schools have to shut their doors due to finances. Will unions start running slates of candidates similar to the Nolan win?
During our time together I got two new knees, lost weight, and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I have the best doctors treating my Parkinson’s, but sadly there is no cure. I would encourage you to make a gift to the Parkinson’s Foundation, 200 SE 1st Street, Suite 800, Miami, FL 33131 or parkinson.org on the internet. It takes money to find a cure.
After 600 columns and my diagnosis, I’ve realized that life is short and there is so much to do. Forgive me if I take a week off or two. I’ll try not to do it when there is breaking news or something I feel is important for you to know or me To comment on.
Thank you for inviting me into your homes each week. I hope our acquaintance will continue for many more years! Fight for your rights. Include Yonkers Rising and the Westchester Rising
Newspapers in your fight. The local paper has deteriorated so much it’s sad. It use to be so good and full of local information. No more!
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at thistooisyonkers@aol.com.