We are writing to object to the proposed bow hunting of deer at Rockefeller State Park Preserve. This is an unnecessary and horrendously cruel action against innocent wildlife.
Not only does this endanger the visitors trying to enjoy this nature preserve.. But bow hunting is one of the cruelest actions that can be taken against wildlife. The animals are often not quickly killed but injured, terrified and in pain and often run with arrows embedded for hours before they succumb to the injury. It’s just unbelievably cruel to allow this in a so called nature preserve. If “deer management “ is necessary it should be done via humane methods such as birth control and fencing. If you need help figuring out how to be compassionate towards the creatures we share our natural spaces with, contact PETA, the Humane Society of the US or any other animal welfare organization. I’m sure they would be happy to help you.
Mary Helen Barletti RN, CCRN ( EMERITUS), AAS, BA ,BSN, MA, MSN Yonkers
Joseph Barletti Yonkers
Margaret Tzoucalis Yonkers
Geraldine Massa Yonkers
Gina DeFilippo Yonkers
Wendy Gray Yonkers
Lenny Imandjaja White Plains
Genevieve Barletti-Yamin Bronx
Maureen Reichelt Bronx
Michele Rossi New City
Rose Farr New Rochelle