Nader Sayegh, candidate for the 90th Assembly District has received the endorsement of the Yonkers Democratic Committee, receiving over 95% of the vote. Sayegh was nominated on the convention floor by Yonkers Democratic Committee Second Vice Chair Carlos Moran, and seconded by longtime Democratic District Leader and Yonkers educator Gerry Jerome.
“I am proud to receive the almost unanimous support of the Yonkers Democratic Committee,” said Mr. Sayegh. “I do not plan on taking anything for granted in this campaign. The work starts now – I am looking forward to running an energetic campaign, centered on the real issues faced by Yonkers residents: education, health care, taxes, and jobs. I would like to thank our district leaders, Chairman Meier, and the entire party for their confidence in me as our candidate for State Assembly, and promise to repay their confidence in me with my utmost commitment to this race.”
“Nader’s record of public service in Yonkers speaks for itself,” added Yonkers Democratic Committee Chairman Thomas Meier. “I am certain that Nader will do a tremendous job continuing Senator Shelley Mayer’s legacy in the 90th Assembly District, and will be a strong advocate for us in Albany. I would like to congratulate Nader for his resounding endorsement by our membership, and look forward to rallying my fellow Democrats to support him as our candidate.”
The Yonkers Democratic Committee is the second endorsement earned by the Sayegh Campaign this week, with Mr. Sayegh also receiving the endorsement of Teamsters Local 456.
Editor’s Note: One of the democratic candidates who did not get the party nomination, Anthony Nicodemo, said,“I plan on staying in the race. It is critically important to hear the voices of the people and allow for a choice. 2018 has a chance to be the most progressive election in years and with a ground swell of youth support. I plan on bringing these issues to the forefront.”
A second democratic candidate who was at the convention, Ivy Reeves, email Yonkers Rising to say that she will stay in the race. “Although the attempted to suppress me may be strong, I have however decided to run for the 90 Assembly District as a Democrat,” said Reeves, who has run for City Council in the past and joked “I will have on my Full Armour and ready for the race.”
Much more on all three candidates in the weeks to come.