Common Challenges Faced by NGO Interns and Solutions

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If you want to gain valuable experience, there is no better way than through an NGO internship. An NGO internship helps young professionals and students enter the workforce by building skills in human rights advocacy, sustainability practices, and hands-on community experience.

Working with an NGO can be a satisfying experience. However, there are also many challenges associated with such diverse work environments. Understanding the obstacles faced during an online NGO internship and traditional NGO placements will help you decide what’s right for your professional and personal development. 

This article will focus on the challenges and rewards of NGO internships and explore how to adapt to various work environments online and in person. 

Why NGO Internships Are Both Rewarding and Challenging?

NGO internships are an excellent way to improve hands-on skills and make a significant difference in other people’s lives. Organizations work in socially impactful fields with projects across the globe that contribute to improving animal rights, healthcare, and sustainability. Some of the major benefits of completing an NGO internship program include the following:

  • Meeting and connecting with like-minded, compassionate professionals
  • Discovering opportunities in the non-profit sector
  • Developing professional skills in diverse work environments
  • Making a difference in the lives of others

Similar to other internships, international NGO internships produce a set of challenges that can prove difficult for many, especially when working abroad. The hierarchy of professional roles can sometimes be unclear and result in vague or unreasonable expectations. NGOs also work on limited finances, so resources and supplies can be limited, which can feel frustrating and debilitating for interns.  


Limited Resources: Making the Most of What’s Available

Working on a tight budget often results in low-quality office supplies, inadequate technology, and minimal staff support. Learning how to adapt to these challenging working conditions is a skill that can inspire creativity and resourcefulness in times of need. Finding innovative methods to use existing tools and resources can showcase your abilities and further develop your professional skills. 

Many of your colleagues will be well-versed in utilizing what’s available and will assist you with developing a resourceful mindset. Interns can also complete online NGO internships that require less financial input and provide more flexibility. Collaborating with your colleagues will help you foster new connections and build rapport while you learn how to work efficiently with limited tools. 

Adapting to Diverse Work Environments

An NGO can operate in various work environments, including busy, urban offices and remote, rural locations. Learning how to adapt to different environments can be difficult for interns with limited professional experience. Some of the following solutions can prove helpful in challenging work environments:

  • Identify your support system (friends, colleagues, family members, etc.)
  • Ask your provider for counseling and mental health support
  • Prioritize self-care and work-life balance

NGO work, by its nature fast paced and unpredictable, can quickly become overwhelming. Discussing the process with an experienced placement provider such as Capital Placement will go a long way in facilitating a smooth transition of work.

Communication Barriers

A language barrier in any workplace can feel isolating and frustrating. Without basic communication, it can feel impossible to foster new connections and build a support network in your new location. Try to learn the basics of the language before you arrive to show your willingness to learn. Actively listening to instructions and feedback can help you improve and develop valuable connections with your team. 

Unclear Expectations

The strain of limited finances and staffing can cause chaos within an NGO, leading to confusion and unclear instructions. Communicate openly with your team at the beginning of your internship to clarify your role and responsibilities to prevent confusion. 

Emotional and Physical Burnout

You must prioritize your mental and physical health during an NGO internship. Whilst working for an NGO, you may be dealing with emotionally and physically draining issues. Relying on your support system during low points is important to protect your well-being. Speaking with an experienced provider such as Capital Placement can help you develop a plan for preventing emotional and physical burnout before you begin your NGO internship.

Balancing Passion with Practicality

Many students and young professionals accept NGO internships driven by their zeal for a cause. You need to balance your zeal with a dose of practicality to keep your feet on the ground. If you have unrealistic expectations of your internship, you may find yourself deflated and unfulfilled at the end of your internship.

Remember that many essential tasks, especially at the administrative level, are the ones that keep an NGO running. Given this fact, it is very important to maintain a high level of professionalism throughout your internship, and this applies to every task you are given.

Professional Development

You may struggle to see clear professional development opportunities during your internship because NGOs operate differently from traditional businesses. Focus on networking and developing your professional skills to get the most out of your internship program. Enquire about mentorship opportunities and set professional goals with your team leader to maximize the potential of your time at the NGO. 


Communication barriers, unpredictable work schedules, and emotional burnout are all potential challenges associated with an NGO internship for students. Learning how to balance work with rest can help interns overcome obstacles and facilitate a better experience when working with NGOs. What are your experiences of NGO internships for students? Tell us your thoughts on overcoming the challenges!