I usually have a great deal of respect for Pollster John Zogby. One reason is that he attempts to accurately poll independent voters, and those of us who do not identify as democrat or republican.
But Zogby, in my view, is fanning the flames of discontent in our country when he does a poll which asks, Will the US have another Civil War.
“It’s quite astounding that nearly half of voters think we are headed for bloodshed! If we are to judge by the last four years of divide and vitriol, among, voters then maybe it’s not too surprising,” writes Zogby.
“Are we really close to citizens hurting each other on a large scale basis? The violence that happened from both sides of the political spectrum the last year is significant. Violent protests in cities across the country during the summer, white supremacists, hate crimes on the rise, and tensions between two political parties have put the country on the brink.
“Nearly half (16% very likely and 30% somewhat likely combined) of likely voters believe the country will have another civil war, while 42% (24% very unlikely and 18% somewhat unlikely combined) did not think we were headed for another civil war; 11% of survey respondents were not sure.
For once, political parties-Republicans (49% likely and 40% unlikely), Democrats (45% likely and 44% unlikely), and Independents (42% likely and 44% unlikely) were somewhat in agreement, but the fact all political stripes think a civil war is inevitable is not the bipartisanship we were hoping for.
Westchester voters, and voters in the suburbs (36% likely and 48% unlikely), do not believe we are headed to a Civil War, and voters in the South, 49% likely, Hispanics 53% likely, were the highest number of voters who thought that another Civil War could happen.
Another delusional commentary came from Phil Kadner, from the Chicago Times Tribune, who wrote in a piece ‘When will you know the civil war has begun,”
“If our culture is so weak that it could be destroyed by the rise of Trump, perhaps it’s a nation built on quicksand… The time has come, it seems, to choose sides. I once lived in a country that was the richest, freest and most tolerant society on the planet. People from all over the world risked their lives to come here because we had it so good. We were admired for our enlightened leadership and our melting pot.
“People whom I respect defend the assault on the Capitol, comparing it to Black Lives Matter demonstrations. But make no mistake — the attack on the Capitol was an attempt to overthrow our government.
“Half the country doubts the word of the president, the other half seems to believe the Democrats stole the election from him. There are some people who believe we are nearing a civil war in this country. I think it may have begun. How do you know such a thing?” writes Kadner.
A note to Mr. Zogby and Mr. Kadner, and all Westchester residents and Americans. First we are not currently in a Civil War. There was an attack on the Capitol by our fellow Americans, but the most extreme on Jan. 8x have been charged.
I also do not believe that a Civil War is coming. Yes, we just had a very close and divisive election, but our country’s dialogue and discourse can just as easily take a path back towards compromise, consensus and solving problems, than towards Civil War.
Others would argue that the fever of our political discontent has broken, and we are back on the path towards normalcy.