By Dennis Richmond Jr., pictured above
In the bustling streets of New York, where the buzz of social media often dictates trends, a growing number of young individuals are expressing a keen interest in spirituality. However, this fascination tends to lean towards angel numbers, manifesting, and crystals, with a noticeable absence of posts featuring verses from the Bible or passages from the holy Quran.
Amidst this trend, I decided to take a different path. On November 19th, 2023, at Grace Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, New York, a life-altering event unfolded. I was baptized, marking a profound shift in my perspective and a newfound connection with spirituality. If eel different, and I don’t regret it at all.
This sentiment echoes a powerful message for the young people of New York — a plea to consider a different source of solace and guidance. Life in the modern world is rife with challenges, including crime, war, pain, and poverty. The invitation is clear: find a place of worship and engage in fellowship with others. While crystals, horoscopes, and sage may offer a sense of guidance, my message emphasizes the existence of a higher power. There’s a GOD that sits high and watches low.
I want to conclude with a poignant biblical verse, Psalm 23:4, serving as a source of strength and comfort. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Let this serve as a reminder to young New Yorkers that amidst the chaos of contemporary life, a spiritual foundation can provide solace, strength, and a sense of purpose.
As the trend leans towards unconventional practices, I’m advocating for a return to the age-old wisdom found in traditional religious teachings. Like the old folks say, that, “Old Time Religion.”