On July 21, State Senator Pete Harckham was the emcee as the Yorktown Democrats kicked off their 2021 campaign. Honored guests included County Executive George Latimer, County Clerk Tim Idoni, Yorktown Town Clerk Diana Quast, County Legislators Vedat Gashi and Colin Smith along with local candidates Aviah Cohen Pierson for Yorktown Justice, Vishnu Patel for Town Councilman, and Ilan (Lanny) Gilbert for Town Councilman. Town Councilmember Alice Roker, who has dedicated over 25 years to serving the needs of Yorktown residents, was a special guest speaker. Unity at all levels of government was in the air.
This kickoff demonstrates the Democrats commitment to maintaining its two Town Council seats and winning the open Town Justice position by bringing the Experience with Vision necessary to move Yorktown Forward.
Vishnu Patel is a 3-term Town Councilman seeking re-election. He is well known as the “The Conscience of the Town Board” because he has an open mind, a scientific questioning background, and a commitment to our youth and the beauty of Yorktown.
Vishnu Patel has lived in Yorktown for 48 years and both of his children are West Point graduates. Vishnu was a world-class scientist (named Inventor of the Year) at IBM for 36 years. He is the only Town Board member with the science and engineering expertise that is so necessary for the town’s future. Vishnu is the town’s environmental champion who said NO to the plans to weaken our open space and wetlands protections. Vishnu Patel’s Experience with Vision are why he is the Board liaison for Yorktown’s Housing, Energy, Senior Citizens, Tree Conservation, and Utilities Committees. He has the well-rounded skills
necessary to keep Yorktown a very special place for people to live, work, and visit.
Ilan (Lanny) Gilbert has lived and raised his family in Yorktown for the past 29 years. Lanny is a dedicated public servant who has served as Yorktown Town Supervisor and as Yorktown Town Justice, and has been a practicing attorney for 39 years. These experiences have given Lanny the necessary combination of legal and hands-on administrative skills to be our next Yorktown Town Councilman.
As Town Supervisor, Lanny’s Experience with Vision enabledhim to implement significant town infrastructure improvements, increase income by $3MM, and hold the line on taxes, while bringing transparency to every aspect of town government. He focused on the town’s economic vibrancy, the environment, the parks, and the future branding of the town. Lanny balanced Yorktown’s budget and left Yorktown with a substantial financial surplus. This surplus enabled the Town to survive the pandemic without any layoffs or cutbacks in services.
Aviah Cohen Pierson is a dedicated mother and community supporter; she was raised in Yorktown. Aviah attended Lakeland and Yorktown schools. A part of Aviah’s dedication to Yorktown is as a former President and Treasurer of the Brookside Elementary School PTA. Aviah’s Experience with Vision enabled her to bring the Lawyer in the Classroom program to the Yorktown Central School District, teaching elementary school children about the U.S. Constitution.
Aviah has practiced law as a litigator in both State and Federal court. As a court attorney, she mediated disputes and handled motion practice. She now serves as Chief Legal Officer for ENT and Allergy Associates, LLP, a 1,200-employeemedical practice.
Colin Smith was the first Democrat to be elected to District One in 50 years. Colin has applied his Experience with Vision while serving as the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee with oversight of Public Safety, Corrections, Probation, Emergency Services, and District Attorney’s Office.
Colin supported Plastic Bag Ban, Covid Property Tax Relief, Exotic Animals Ban, more Affordable Housing, Green Infrastructure and EV Charging Stations throughout the County and was the Head of the County Executive’s Police Reform and Reimagining Task Force. Colin demanded safe staffing for our nurses and better wages for our building workers (32BJ) and utility workers (CWA).
Vedat Gashi is a Yorktown native, graduating from Lakeland High School, Yorktown Small Business owner, and father of two children in Yorktown Schools. Vedat is the Chair of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation. And his Experience with Vision leads the way toward improving our aging infrastructure and delivering vital resources to the people of Yorktown.
Vedat fought for a capital budget including improvements to Yorktown’s water & sewer infrastructure, facilities and roads, and serves as the Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budget and Appropriations where he voted to cut property taxes for the second year in a row, while maintaining services.
During the height of the pandemic, Vedat worked hard to distribute masks and hand sanitizer throughout our district, prioritizing seniors, first responders, veterans and small businesses.