Yonkers Women in Law Enforcement and PAL Collect Prom Dresses for High School Girls

Westchester county police officers Johnson and Devito make a delivery of donated prom dresses

Have a prom dress you can donate to a student in need? Help support the Yonkers Women in Law Enforcement and the PAL in their efforts to make sure everyone can go to the prom! Email yonkerswle@gmail.com for more info or to make a donation. Your donation can really make a difference for a young woman.

If you are in need of a prom dress, please call #YonkersPD Detective V. Martinez -914-327-9655, or PAL Director Marisol Mancebo 914-513-9548. We spoke to PAL Direcor Macebo who told us, “We have 400 dress donated and given out about 100. We are going to extend the time for the program so we can give out more dresses. We do it by appointment to preserve the privacy for each girl. Most of the dresses were donated by law enforcement and their wives, and the 100 women in blue. I would tell everyone that we have dresses available, so come in and make an appointment.”

Thank you for your support!!