Dr. Edwin Quezada
Yonkers Board of Education President Rev. Steve Lopez today announced that Dr. Edwin M. Quezada, Superintendent of Schools, submitted his letter of retirement effective July 3, 2023.
In Dr. Quezada’s letter to the Trustees, he expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunities he was afforded over his 25 years with the Yonkers Public Schools noting it was, “…an exceedingly rewarding, and at times challenging, period of my professional life… It is time for me to take a new path in my life’s journey.”
The letter continued with, “Over the last eight years, in collaboration with the Trustees, Mayor Spano, our New York State Delegation, local elected officials, Yonkers parents, and all educators and staff, a more sustainable foundation has been structured to continue improving student outcomes for future generations of children… An exciting era is about to begin for the Yonkers Public Schools… The foundation is in place. Therefore, I firmly recognize that this is the time for a new leader to continue this quest, an individual with a fresh perspective, innovative strategies and, most importantly, a passionate commitment for urban children to succeed.”
Board of Education President Rev. Steve Lopez said, “The Trustees and I understand and respect Dr. Quezada’s desire to expand his professional career and wish him well. Most importantly, we want to extend our deepest appreciation to Dr. Quezada for his outstanding and relentless commitment to the students, families and staff in our district. In his work with the Trustees, the Superintendent was and continues to be a steadfast equity champion for every student and staff member to achieve their potential. This was evident from the first day he became Superintendent, throughout the challenges of COVID, and to today with our students sustained academic progress attaining a 90% graduation rate for the last three years.”
President Rev. Lopez continued, “Moving forward, the Board of Education Trustees are charged with hiring a new superintendent. The educational landscape is continually evolving. Over the next few weeks, we will plan and develop an appropriate strategy to seek out a new leader with the requisite skills to transition our District into the next great phase for education in the City of Yonkers.”
Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano stated, “Dr. Quezada has been transformative to Yonkers Public Schools. His passion and dedication to the educational and emotional development of our students has been evident throughout his tenure. From a vocal and adamant advocate to rebuild and fund our schools, to ushering in nationally-recognized mentorship programs, to overseeing unprecedented academic achievements such as the District’s 90% graduation rate, Dr. Quezada’s 25-years of service have left an indelible impact on the students and families of Yonkers. I believe he is one of the best school superintendents this City has had and I am forever grateful to him for his commitment to Yonkers. On behalf of the residents of our city, I wish Dr. Quezada and his family well as he enters the next chapter of his career.”