That primary victory was an introduction to the people of Yonkers, to meet Lakisha Collins-Bellamy. During our interviews we learned about her life story of growing up and staying in Yonkers. It is also the story of the American Dream, and the story of the history of Yonkers over the past 40+ years.
Yonkers has a difficult history of segregation that Collins-Bellamy had to deal with, and a challenging upbringing in the Cottage Place Gardens Housing complex. But through it all, Collins-Bellamy rose above her circumstance in life to go to college and law school, and she wanted to stay in Yonkers.
“I want the voters to know that I’ve come a long way from a family that received public assistance to being able to provide for my son to go to private school. My campaign is about someone who comes from humble beginnings and then gains the world. I’m a testament about what can happen when you work hard and believe in yourself. Even when the deck is stacked against you, you can succeed.”
In addition to her life experiences, Collins-Bellamy’s Yonkers education and professional background, makes her qualified to serve as Council President. She currently works for the Yonkers Municipal Housing Authority.
Education has been a critical part of Collins-Bellamy’s life and her campaign, and we are confident that Collins-Bellamy, who is currently serving on the Yonkers Board of Education, will make it a priority if elected.
Why did she decide to run for Council President? “Watching the last four years of politics in our country, like all of us, I saw how Stacy Abrams put the State of Georgia on her back to flip that state blue. I saw George Floyd happen. I saw the first Black female Vice-President get elected. I saw all of this and said, Why Not Today?”
Affordable Housing and addressing violent crime are two other key issues in Collins-Bellamy’s campaign that we look forward to seeing her work on in the council. She is vaccinated and understands the leadership role that she will take on if elected. There has never been a black female candidate elected citywide in the history of Yonkers.
But Collins-Bellamy welcomes the chance to become a role model to thousands of Yonkers young adults who are growing up like she did. We find her to be the most qualified, but also someone who a majority of Yonkers voters can relate to.
Ron Matten should be applauded for stepping up and making sure that the voters of Yonkers have a choice when they go to the polls on Nov. 2 and in early voting. It is important that the voters in Yonkers have a choice when they vote for the second most important elected office in the city.
Matten is also qualified to serve on the council. He brings an intellectual perspective to his run for office, and a wealth of professional experience that could serve the people of Yonkers in examining City budgets and looking for cost savings.
This is also Matten’s first run for elected office, and it has been 8 years since a republican was elected to citywide office. The demographics, and the number of registered democrats, continue to change in Yonkers. We hope that Matten will continue to participate in the affairs of the city.
But Matten is running against a candidate who brings a breath of fresh air to Yonkers politics. She is someone who knows the city and works in the city but is a political outsider. That is an interesting and unique combination of attributes, which deserves your vote.
“I want to show young boys and girls that they can be lawyers and the next Council President. I came from humble beginnings, so this election is bigger than me. It’s about how, if I can do it, anybody can. If elected, I will use my position to serve all the people of Yonkers and not to serve myself. It’s kind of a rags to riches story, without me being rich.”
Yonkers Rising endorses Lakisha Collins-Bellamy for City Council President on Nov. 2 and in early voting.