A number of residents at City Council meeting
From Councilman Anthony Merante
The Yonkers Council Chamber was packed with residents expressing their opposition to this project. Their concerns focused on the parking issues that would be exasperated by this development. The 31 parking spaces are insufficient for 60 units where most residents may have 2 cars. In addition, concerns were expressed about major traffic congestion that would be added to Executive Blvd since it is the primary traffic egress.
This public hearing was only the first step in the approval process. To have your voice continued to be heard you must let the Mayor and the City Council know your concerns by emailing them ( email list is below). Check back on this Facebook page for future dates to be announced for public forums to be held prior to the Council’s formal vote.
Anthony Merante, with copies to Mayor Mike Spano Mayor@yonkersny.gov and the entire City Council.
Council Member, 6th District -Anthony J. Merante-Anthony.Merante@yonkersny.gov
Council President- Lakisha Collins-Bellamy -councilpresident@yonkersny.gov
Council Member, 1st District-Deana R. Robinson-Deana.robinson@yonkersny.gov
Council Member, 2nd District-Corazon Pineda Isaac- corazon.pineda.isaac@yonkersny.gov
Council Member, 3rd District-Tasha Diaz,-Tasha.Diaz@yonkersny.gov
Council Member, 4th District-John Rubbo, Majority Leader-John.Rubbo@yonkersny.gov
Council Member, 5th District-Mike Breen, Minority Leader-mike.breen@yonkersny.gov