Yonkers Historical Society President Emerita, To Promote City’s Nearly 500-Year History
On Oct. 28, Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano announced his appointment of Mary Hoar as the City of Yonkers’ first female Historian. The Yonkers Historian is a volunteer position aimed at encouraging the community to reflect on the City’s rich history and learn how it has helped shape and define Yonkers today.
Currently, Mary Hoar is President Emerita of the non-profit Yonkers Historical Society which strives to preserve and promote the rich history of Yonkers through the preservation and maintenance of the historic Sherwood House Museum, circa 1740. She has been on the board of the Yonkers Historical Society since 1988. In addition, she has wrote and edited the Yonkers Historical Society’s quarterly newsletter, curated its social media platforms as well as supervised all activities and programs of the organization. In 2004, the Yonkers Historical Society awarded Hoar the “Key to History,” the highest award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the Yonkers Historical Society.
Hoar currently serves on the Yonkers Landmarks Preservation Board, and writes a history column published weekly in Yonkers Rising and at www.yonkerstimes.com. A fourth generation Yonkers resident, Mary always enjoyed hearing stories about her parents growing up in Yonkers; learning about Yonkers during their youth and adulthood inspired her love of history.
“I am proud to appoint Mary Hoar as our first female Historian,” said Mayor Spano. “Today, all 50 states have historians who record, track and preserve the history of their respective communities. Mary’s professionalism, extensive knowledge and experience will prove to be a great asset to the City of Yonkers as we strive to honor our past and plan for our future.”
The City of Yonkers Historian will serve as an advocate of the City’s history by encouraging the community to explore and learn Yonkers’ history and the importance of preserving its influential residents, locations and events.
“Yonkers has an amazing wonderful history and many wonderful stories,” said Mary Hoar. “So many of our forefathers and foremothers helped to create our world, to shape the Yonkers of today. Many of the life changing discoveries and inventions were created by Yonkers people, right here in Yonkers. Our strength always truly has been our people; the stories of our wonderfully diverse population needs to be told, to recognize and appreciate the contributions of all our Yonkers people!”
Editor’s Note: Mary Hoar writes a weekly column for our own Yonkers Rising and online at Yonkerstimes.com. For many years it has been the most popular column in our paper. Mary, you have been the unofficial historian of Yonkers for many years. Congratulations on Mayor Spano making it official.