If you don’t know who Ryan Martin, from Yonkers is, or you haven’t seen the video of his drunken tirade at Orlando Airport on March 3, brace yourself. It should be all over the news this weekend.
But in reality this is a sad situation because Martin, who got drunk, missed his flight and then tried to get on another flight, and in between assaulted a wife and daughter of a New Jersey Sheriff on vacation at Disney.
Ryan Austin Martin is a large white male, 280 pounds, and airport security and the Orlando Police were unable to control him until using a taser gun several times to get Martin down and under control.
During his tirade, Martin said to airport security “don’t come near my, I’ll kill you.” and promised to put on a “mother f*** show”
Martin was arrested and released after spending a night in jail on $2,950 bond.
Passengers waiting for other flights and departing off of a plane that Martin thought he could board were nervous afraid of him.
Martin not only fought with security and police, but grabbed a women after she reportedly refused to hold his drink.
We are in the process of obtaining the police report but have been told by law enforcement that he followed the mother and her children after security tried to move them to safety.
He was arrested on Thursday March 3, and charged with resisting an officer with violence, child abuse, domestic violence, batter and disorderly intoxication.
NJ Morris County Sheriff Jim Gannon, who is pictured in green in the video was interviewed by Save Jersey and WNBC TV in New York City. Sheriff Gannon said, “He was very aggressive towards that uniformed officer, who did a phenomenal job. And so, there was a taser deployment and then we went to the ground and I assisted in handcuffing the individual,”
Martin is now forever banned from flying “the friendly skies” of United.
We haven’t been able to find out anything from our Yonkers sources yet about Mr. Martin.
The incident has been picked by media across the country, and in Canada and Great Britian. Everyone loves to report on an airport road rage incident, and especially one that many people shot video from their cell phones.
Jessica Smith/YouTube