By Dan Murphy
At their meeting on April 27, the Yonkers City Council voted 4-3 in favor of a resolution that supports efforts in Washington DC to study Reparations proposals for African-Americans, at their meeting on April 27. HR 40 in the US House of Representatives would recommend appropriate remedies for slavery, and is meant to memorialize the promise made by Union General William Sherman in 1865 to redistribute land to former slaves, also known as 40-acres and a mule.
Councilwoman Shanae Williams said, “it is so important for us on the local level to stand in support of our congressional represenatives who support this. Its not going to do anything jmore than provide a study and find if reparations are a good step. My constituents support this.”
Minority Leader Mike Breen voted no, explaining, “My ancestors had no part in slavery and 364,000 union soldiers died in the war to end slavery. Some think that this number of casualties is not enough. Perhaps the democratic party should pay for reparations. I think we should just move on.”
Councilman John Rubbo was the only democrat to vote no. “While I do agree with the establishment of a commission, what I don’t support is the redisttribution of property. I do not agree with all of HR 40 and for that reason I will be voting no.”
Majority Leader Corazon Pineda-Issac said, “I think that especially given the rise of white supremacy and active racism in our country and the history of slavery and Jim Crow and the structural racism that still exists in our socitey, i think esp given the rise of whie suprem and active racism , I support this. American has never attoned for the lingering affects of slavery. Its America’s biggest sin.”
Councilmember Williams encouraged Rubbo to reconsider his no vote. “This is a necesstity, to have a study so that we can discuss this. So many African-Americans had their properites taken from them. We have to look at that.”
Council President Mike Khader said, “I will be supporting this, and it has been a heavily discussed topic. This is only to approve a study, which will provide some raw data so that future conversations can be had.
Council President Khader, Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac, Councilmember Tasha Diaz and Councilmember Williams voted yes, with Minority Leader Breen Councilman Anthony Merante, and Councilman Rubbo voting no.