On Saturday, March 12th, Westchester Young Republicans Emily Costanza and Patrick Murphy were
recognized as Rising Stars by New York State Young Republicans during their annual Rising Star
ceremony in Albany. Westchester Young Republican Chairman Devin O’Rourke said “I’m very proud of Patrick and Emily and I’m happy to see that their hard work was recognized by NYSYR. Emily worked very hard during her election last year for both herself and the rest of the Republican Slate. Patrick has been a member of WCYR for nearly a decade and does whatever he can to help the Republican Party. I couldn’t think of any better choices!”
Patrick Murphy was born in The Bronx, raised in Yonkers. He earned his BBA from Baruch College in
Manhattan Patrick has been involved in politics for almost 19 years, going on his first canvassing
deployment for Republican candidates with his dad when he was 10 years old. Murphy has volunteered
or provided tech & media consulting & services for all levels of government, city council, county
legislature, assembly, county clerk, state senate, and congress, in Westchester, Putnam, and Suffolk
Patrick joined the Westchester Young Republicans 10 years ago, serving as PR Director &
Treasurer from 2015-2020. Being a proud 1st generation Guyanese-American, Murphy is also involved in
the Asian-American Republicans, serving on their board from 2016-2018. Patrick is the President of New
Logical Tech & Media Consulting, where aside from political work, he consults and maintains the IT &
digital media presence for small businesses, government agencies, and sports organizations.
Emily Costanza is a lifelong resident of Mount Pleasant and was elected as its Town Clerk last year. Since
graduating from Rutgers University, where she studied Political Science and Communications, Emily has
served as a District Leader with the Westchester Republican County Committee. She has been involved
in local, state, and national political campaigns in various capacities for over seven years, helping
Republicans win throughout the state and country.