Yonkers Assembly Candidate John Isaac: Stop the Madness-We Paid $5 Billion on Migrants When the People of Yonkers are Hurting

Are We Paying for Hotels, Debit Cards & Cell Phones for Migrant Criminals?

John Isaac, Candidate for Assembly, 90th District

By Dan Murphy

John Isaac, republican candidate for Assembly in the 90th District, representing Yonkers, spoke to us about his concerns about the growing migrant crisis in New York State, and overspending in Albany with our tax dollars.

Isaac’s comments come after a letter to Congress from ICE, Immigration & Customs Enforcement, said that “As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes those detained by ICE, and on the agency’s non-detained docket. Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges.”

In addition, the data in the letter included 15,000 migrants convicted or charged with murder and 13,000 convicted or charged with sexual assault. “It is troubling to find out that there are thousands of illegal migrants convicted or charged with murder and sex assault that are not in jail.”

 “Many of the migrants chose to come to New York City, which has seen an influx of more than 200,000 over the past two years. How many tens of thousands of the migrants in New York City are criminals? There are reports that migrant gangs have come into our community and are shoplifting at stores. Have you ever wondered why you have to ask for assistance at the pharmacy to buy toothpaste because every item is behind a glass barrier and under lock and key?” said Isaac.

“New York State has paid $5 Billion to New York City to pay for the migrant crisis. We are paying for hotels, cell phones and debit cards for people who did not come here legally. I wonder how many of those migrants getting these benefits have been convicted of a crime?

“When Yonkers families are having trouble paying for food and gas, couldn’t my opponent and the super-majority in Albany have found a better way to spend $5 Billion of our taxpayer dollars?”

“I would like to think that Assemblyman Sayegh didn’t know what he was voting for when he passed along our tax dollars to illegal migrants. But that’s what you have when you have someone blindly rubber stamping every progressive policy that comes on your desk.

“We need a voice of reason representing Yonkers in Albany who will say Stop!  Before I vote on any plan to spend billions of your tax dollars, I will ask how does this help or hurt the people of Yonkers?”

“I am not a career politician. I think Albany is broken, and the policies that we have been getting from the democratic supermajorities are making it harder for all of us to raise a family. We can’t afford the spending and some of the policies that my opponent has rubber stamped. We can do better.

“I came to this country legally as an immigrant in 1986. Yonkers and New York State have given me and my family the opportunity to work hard and raise a family. Now I want to give back by fixing Albany.

“I’m worried that my children and grandchildren won’t have the same opportunities I had. I want everyone to have a chance at the American dream.

“I have two questions for my opponent and the people of Yonkers. Can’t we all agree that we don’t want $5 Billion of our tax dollars going to pay for benefits to migrants who are convicted criminals?

“And can’t we all agree that there has to be a better way of protecting our community, instead of having tens of thousands of migrant criminals in New York State?