Yonkers- response rates-in 2010-65%-in 2020-52% so far
Westchester -response rate-in 2010-68%-in 2020-60%
New York State- response rate in 2010-65% in 2020-54%
United States- response rate-76%-in 2020-59%
Updated figures show that the percentage of Yonkers households who have responded to the 2020 Census remains lower than in 2010. It is not surprising that the response rate in Yonkers is low given that 31% of Yonkers residents are foreign born and 47% speak a language other than English at home.
This information is updated daily by the Census Bureau and is available to the public at www.2020census.gov/en/response-rates. A video explaining the rates and how to obtain them is available at… www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=79&v=r4j1o2WmHUQ&feature=emb_title
Even in these unprecedented times, the 2020 Census continues to count us – and will do so until mid-August. At this time, the Census is only counting responses from households who have used the 12-digit Census ID they received from the Census in mid-March.
However, if your household has not yet received the first invitation to respond to the Census questionnaire, call 1-844-330-2020.
The Census Bureau has produced videos about the 2020 Census and how to complete the questionnaire. The videos are available to the public at … www.youtube.com/user/uscensusbureau
If anyone would like help in completing the Census questionnaire, especially in a language other than English, call the Census Bureau between 7am to 2pm: Arabic: 844-416-2020, Korean: 844-392-2020, Chinese (Cantonese): 844-398-2020, Polish: 844-479-2020,Chinese (Mandarin): 844-391-2020 Portuguese: 844-474-2020, English: 844-330-2020, Russian: 844-417-2020, French: 844-494-2020, Spanish: 844-468-2020, Haitian Creole: 844-477-2020, Tagalog: 844-478-2020, Japanese: 844-460-2020, Vietnamese: 844-461-202
The City of Yonkers (914-377-6059) and many community organizations in Yonkers – like the Community Planning Council of Yonkers (914-969-3616) – are also available to help. Stay well and be counted!