YAAHC Presents a Pre-Kwanzaa Screening of “Pioneers of the Black is Beautiful Movement” Dec. 9

The Yonkers African American Heritage Committee (YAAHC), in conjunction with Cultural Caravan Productions, Inc., is presenting a Pre-Kwanzaa FREE screening of the award-winning documentary by Louis Dente, “AJASS: Pioneers of the Black is Beautiful Movement,” on Saturday December 9 at the Yonkers Riverfront Library from 12 noon-4pm.

The two-hour documentary chronicles the journey of AJASS (African Jazz-Art Society and Studios) from the Bronx where they hosted jazz concerts to Harlem where their work was later Influenced by the teachings of the Honorable Marcus Garvey and his protégé, Carlos Cook of the African Nationalist Pioneer Movement (ANPM).

This movement led to “NATURALLY” shows which featured the Grandassa Models, the first African superhero known as Lil Zeng, The African Boy King, and a wealth of visual arts creations and books to celebrate the rich history and aesthetic beauty of Africa and its descendants.

The contributions of AJASS celebrated the life and history of people of African ancestry versus Eurocentric aesthetic standards, as well as fought against colorism, a hidden bias in skin tone.

“AJASS: Pioneers of the Black is Beautiful Movement,” was presented as part of the 2023 Harlem International Film Festival.

For more information, visit www.yaahc.org.