Writing Tips to Improve Your Essay

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Essays hold a special place among other academic writing assignments. There are many types of essays, from persuasive to explanatory. Teachers often assign students with various papers, but only essays help them reach the main goals of teaching as essays are multipurpose tasks. For example, by writing an autobiographical essay, students represent their storytelling and teaching skills.

Any student faces issues with written tasks and might, from time to time, require help. Unfortunately, classmates or friends are not always there to ask them for assistance. Many students choose to buy college essays online from trusted writing services. Such an approach lets students forget worrying about their grades and concentrate on the tasks they like the most.

Our article will provide you with tips to improve your essay. Read on to learn the effective techniques that will boost your paper’s quality.

Patience to instructions

Students who want to improve the quality of their essays should begin by patiently following the instructions provided by teachers. Usually, students get detailed requirements with the characteristics of a forthcoming paper. Instructions contain such points as the topic of an essay, word count or number of pages, style of formatting, recommendations on structuring, and tone of voice. Teachers also set a deadline to submit a paper.

If a student wants to succeed, following the instructions is crucial. Ask questions to specify the requirements with a teacher if needed.

Choose an exciting topic

Your essay will sufficiently benefit if you will choose a topic that makes you wish to explore it. Students who research topics that seem exciting to them write much better papers than students who consider a subject boring. If your teacher assigned you several topics of choice, go through them and decide on the one that seems exciting.

If you must choose a topic by yourself, you are free to select the case that inspires you. Make short preliminary research to ensure there are enough materials to use in your paper. There must be enough sources that contain information on your case. Pay attention to the trustworthiness of sources.

Create drafts

Drafting is a crucial stage for those who want to improve their essays. Before you will write the final version of a paper, proceed with outlining and defining the main parts of your paper. Pay strict attention to the main body and its length. Define the number of paragraphs. The minimum number of paragraphs you will need depends on the overall word count of a paper. Also, consider that you need to include a draft of all the crucial points, including the main thesis and arguments that approve your statements. They often will help you see the core facts you need to mention in your future paper and reduce unnecessary information or repeated statements.

Outlining is a must

It is impossible to imagine a clear and readable paper without a strong structure. If a teacher provided you with recommendations on outlining, follow them. If you do not have specific essay structure requirements, follow the standard instructions for essays. A standard 5-paragraph essay contains three main components. These components are an introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

  • An introduction is an opening element of an essay that must contain several informational blocks. First, you must present a topic and explain to readers what they will get after reading your paper. Also, an introduction must contain a hook that catches the attention of your audience and makes them want to read an essay further.
  • The main body is the crucial element of an essay that contains statements, arguments, and points the author wants the audience to understand while reading the paper. Successful essays have a specific structure for each body paragraph. The paragraph must start with an opening statement and then provide at least two facts and arguments that support the opening statement. Each paragraph must contain only one central thought. Between paragraphs, one must make cohesive connections using specific cohesive words to make the text easy to read and understand.
  • A conclusion is a closing essential element of an essay. This component must provide final statements on a topic and remind readers of the main thesis. It would be best if you kept all core facts the same in the conclusion. Refrain from adding information. The main aim of a conclusion is to wrap up your paper.

Editing stage is crucial

If you really want to improve your essay, take advantage of the stage of proofreading. Editing papers is an art because only a skilled writer knows how to polish a paper to perfection. You should always have enough time to make your essay readable and reduce all possible mistakes or typos. An essay might take at least an hour to proofread.

Editing starts with patient reading of paper and reducing all visible mistakes, including commas. After the first attempt to read, you need to read the paper again and ensure that you used the correct tone of voice and pointed out all the necessary information, including names and dates. When you will be reading your paper for the third time, you need to reduce stylistic errors. Consider replacing repeated words with synonymous to make your paper sound better and ensure cohesive connections between paragraphs of the main body. If needed, you can use the online editing tools that help make your essay sound better and improve.


The main writing tips to improve your essay include. Following the instructions provided by a teacher, choose an exciting topic, create drafts, and outline your paper. Note that the editing stage is essential. Good luck!