Will Bobby Kennedy Jr. Be On the Presidential Ballot in New York?

Bobby Kennedy Jr. with a supporter at a recent event

By Dan Murphy

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign received an unfavorable decision from NY state Supreme Court Justice Christina Ryba this week after she found that a lawsuit filed against RFK Jr.’s nominating petitions in NY were fraudulent because it listed a Katonah address as Kennedy’s home. Judge Ryba said that RFK Jr.s stays at the Katonah home of his friends was “virtually nonexistent” and used for the purpose of maintaining his voter registration in NY.

The multi-million dollar legal effort to remove RFK Jr. from the ballot was funded by Clear Choice PAC, a democratic group intent on throwing Kennedy off the ballot not only in NY but across the country.
Kennedy is appealing the decision and explained the reasons why the Judge was wrong and why he listed his friends Katonah address as his domicile.

“As many of you saw, yesterday a NY judge disqualified me from New York ballot access, despite the nearly 150,000 signatures my campaign obtained from New Yorkers wanting to see me as a choice this November. The ruling came after the plaintiffs argued I am not in fact a resident of New York, which I am.

“I’ll still be on the ballot, don’t worry about that. We will appeal this decision, and we will win. The worry here isn’t about my campaign for president. The worry is about the state of our country and the DNC’s all-out, anti-democratic lawfare campaign.

“You have to put the same domicile on petitions in every state in the country.Some of those states say your domicile HAS to be the place where you vote. I’ve never voted anyplace else than New York. We have the best ballot access attorney in the country and he said this is the only way to do it.

“I’m being accused of deceiving people about my domicile, but I took legal advice and I was told: You’re gonna be sued whether you claim Massachusetts where you have a house, California where you have a house, or New York where you have a house. The only place you legally can claim is New York.’

“My driver’s license is here. I vote in this state. My car is registered here. My law license is in this state. My law office is in this state. I pay income taxes in this state, and I vote here.New York has been my domicile my whole life. I’ve lived in New York for 60 years.”

Kennedy’s primary residence is in California, where he lives with his wife, Cheryl Hines, an actrees, and their children. The couple also have a home on Cape Cod.

“Your domicile is the place you intend to return, and when Cheryl’s acting career is over, we will return to New York and live in the Town of Bedford, where I have lived for 40 years, and this is the Town where I intend to retire to.If you acted in good faith on the advice of counsel, you cannot be convicted of fraud.

The Kennedy campaign has filed an appeal in NY State court, and also a Federal action. “Under the 12th Amendment there’s only three requirements to run for President of the United States. That you are 35, that you are born in this country, and that you are a citizen of this country. I meet all three of those . The states are not allowed to impose additional burdens on candidates appearing on ballots in all 50 states. That is what the truth is and we will prevail.” said RFK Jr.

The Kennedy campaign has collected enough signatures to be on the ballot in all 50 states, something the media has failed to report on.