On March 24, Board of Trustees Pres. Ellen Freeman and the Mamaroneck Library Board of Trustees issued the following statement regarding financial irregularities.
“Last month, the Library Board of Trustees was made aware of financial irregularities involving the Library’s business office. As a result, the Library’s business official was immediately placed on administrative leave and a financial forensic audit was initiated. This audit was focused on potential misappropriation and the status of all Library accounts.
As of March 22, 2023, the Library’s business official resigned. The financial forensic audit continues and the Library will take any and all measures necessary to address whatever issues are raised during the investigation.
We remain entirely committed to conducting a full investigation and working with the Village, the public, and all other agencies to maintain our great Library and the public faith. We realize that there will inevitably be many questions as we move forward and we respectfully request the public’s patience while we continue this process and until we are able to provide everyone with the complete and accurate answers that are deserved.
The Library Board understands that there may be difficult financial decisions ahead. However, Mamaroneck Public Library remains committed to serving the community as it has for the past hundred years,” end of statement.
Mamaroneck Mayor Tom Murphy stated that the library board’s volunteer treasurer, Clayton Otto, has also resigned, and that Village government has no role in the financial operations of the library, except to collect library taxes on a homeowners tax bill.
The Mamaroneck Police received the complaint from the library and confirmed that a forensic accounting investigation is underway.
Some believe that this “massive incompetence,” is so severe that it may result in the inability to meet payroll and that the Mamaroneck Library may have to close. That is why we put the dollar amount of missing funds in the millions.
Four days after the announcement, no more information, or charges, most important, who is the person who betrayed the people of Mamaroneck?