I think the best way to understand who Shatika Parker is and to separate her from the other candidates, is to state explicitly who she isn’t.
Shatika is not someone who will be controlled by any administration. As a lifelong resident and community activist Shatika is dedicated to making sure representation for District 1 is truly indicative as the voice of the people. Growing up in School Street Housing Projects (Municipal Housing Authority of Yonkers — Calcagno Homes) , she has experienced and continues to recognize what it’s like to be apart of the unheard population in Yonkers. Working families who don’t have the time and opportunity to becoming politically savvy and attend every board meeting provided by the Yonkers City Council still deserve a voice at the table. As the District 1 representative Shatika plans to ensure there is transparency in government, information is accessible and the voices of District 1’s most vulnerable populations will be heard. Working with our state, county and federal representatives I will also make sure District 1’s voices are heard far, wide and across the legislative spectrum.
Shatika is not someone who will allow mediocre investments into our education system without pushing back and being creative about how we inject funds into the budget. A product of Yonkers Public Schools, graduating from Lincoln High School and currently serving on the Academy of Finance at Lincoln, she knows what equity and opportunity or the lack thereof, means for our students. The lack of Guidance Counselors, bare minimum extra curricular budgets, 2.5 days for our Pre K 3 program and the fact that our teachers are working without a contract is unacceptable. As representative of the 1st District, where many of the disadvantaged black and brown students live, Shatika intends to be an advocate on all fronts for elevating the quality of education experience for our youth. After school programs, extracurricular activities and mental health programs are of the utmost importance to support our kids as the navigate our education system.
Shatika is not someone who will place the needs of developers over the needs of residents who currently reside here. Overdevelopment in District 1 is rampant and we don’t have a voice on the council who is willing to push back and stand beside residents to push for development that makes sense and has community buy in. Having lived in every type of housing this city has to offer, Shatika understands the housing crisis from a lens the current council member and the other candidates do not. We need affordable housing legislation and investments that don’t just look good on paper but make sense in reality for families who have to live with it, everyday.
Shatika is not someone who will only address issues with our parks, roadways, sewage system and infrastructure, as they arise. Reactive legislation is sometimes inevitable. But to the extent possible we should always be looking ahead at what we can do to improve our city. Some of the most traveled streets like North Broadway, Warburton Avenue, Ashburton Avenue, Riverdale Avenue and more recently Alexander Street need maintenance to ensure safe commutes for residents. For residents in the Ludlow area, the issue with the Waste Water Treatment plant in Yonkers needs a solution by way of collaboration with our County officials as soon as possible. The Parks in District 1 need consistent and ongoing attention, not just during political season. I plan to ensure this is the type of action oriented office representing District 1.
So who is Shatika Parker? A 31 year old Yonkers native, mother, business woman and community activist. Shatika’s 10 year combined education and career in government along with her lived experience is why you should elect her to become the next person for Yonkers City Council District 1.
Shatika says “I am a product of the best and the worst of this city, and I vow to fight for funding and legislation that will improve the quality of life for residents in the 1st District. This race is not about me, it’s about finally having a community voice on the City Council and with community support and action, we will have just that.”
Editor’s Note: Shatika Parker is a candidate for Yonkers City Council in the First District. She is running in a democratic primary on June 27.