By Dan Murphy
Westchester County Executive George Latimer’s call for compassion and acceptance of some of the 67,0000 migrants currently overflowing the shelters and hotels of New York City, has been met with opposition from republicans, and with some democrats wondering where else the migrants can go in the county.
There are currently 100 migrant families housed at the Ramada Inn on Tuckahoe Road in Yonkers. Published reports have NYC Mayor Adams and his administration looking for more locations in Westchester. Other reports have the Adams adminstration looking in New Rochelle, Mt. Vernon and White Plains for more locations.
We received several email letters to the editor about the migrant crisis and Westchester’s response to it. “I wondered why all of our elected officials in Westchester, most of who are democrats, keep saying that this is a federal problem that demands a federal solution. While I agree with that, I also wonder why nobody asked or questioned President Biden about the impact that the migrant crisis is having on our area? asked Jean Madsen.
Another reader writes, “I just heard that the financial impact on the City of New York and their budget from the now 67,000 immigrants who have been bused into the city will be $5 Billion. Governor Hochul gave New York City $1 Billion to help pay the costs.
“Let’s do the math. If New York City is housing migrants in 30,000 hotels, as has been reported, at $100 per night, that would be $3 Million per day. In the Ramada Inn Yonkers, the migrants are to stay up to one year. If you mulitply the $3 Millon by 350 days, that cost exceeds the $1 Billion that Hochul gave Mayor Adams. My question is what happens after one year and the money runs out?” wrote Rich Morgal.
Finally, Michelle D’Agostino writes, “I live in Eastchester but my cousins live in New Rochelle and Mt. Vernon. I don’t think its fair for all of the migrants to go to Westchester’s big cities, including Yonkers and White Plains. It always seems that is where the homeless end up and now the migrants are going.”
“What about some of the wealthier communities in Westchester? Can they share the burden? As a Christian, I agree with what County Executive Latimer said about helping others, but lets take that thought to another level and ask, what about housing some of the migrants in Rye?”
NY Assembly republicans have proposed legislation requiring migrants to undergo background checks, but according to the U.S. Refugee Admisson Program, security screening and background checks are already required.