What’s the Current Status of St. Mary’s Church? Zoom Meeting Wednesday, March 26, 7pm

St. Mary’s Friends is holding a special meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 7pm. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the current status of St. Mary’s Church.

St. Mary’s Friends is a non-profit organization formed in the State of New York. St. Mary’s Church (Church of the Immaculate Conception) is located in Yonkers, New York, and was founded in 1848. The mission of St. Mary’s Friends is to ensure the preservation of St. Mary’s Church. During the Zoom meeting St. Mary’s Friends will discuss the status of the parish and the continuing effort to keep St. Mary’s church from being sold and demolished.

The non-profit group St. Mary’s Friends is working to raise the funds necessary for building preservation and to ensure the integrity of the buildings and the sacred objects located within the Church. The group aims to protect the legacy of St. Mary’s Church as an enduring beacon of the Roman Catholic faith in the City of Yonkers.

To protect St. Mary’s Church, individual members of St. Mary’s Friends filed an application with the City of Yonkers to landmark this historic building. Parishioner, Mr. Sergio Tovar, et al, filed a Canonical Appeal with the Archdiocese June 11, 2024 to save the parish. An augmented appeal was later submitted to Rome—that appeal is still pending.

On July 16, 2024, the Yonkers City Council voted unanimously to grant landmark status to both the external as well as internal physical structures of St. Mary’s Church. The Archdiocese of New York had planned to close the church on July 1, 2024, but for now its doors remain open.

St. Mary’s Friends will carry the banner for St. Mary’s Church and march in the Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 22nd at 1pm. All are invited to participate to show support for the church.

The current board members of St. Mary’s Friends are Yonkers residents who represent the constituency of the parish:
Anthony Kunny
Domini Pisculli
Dr. Matel Hassan
Dr. Sandy Hattar
Miguelangel Lucas Avila

Please join the Zoom meeting!
Topic: St. Mary’s Friends Special Meeting
Time: Mar 26, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: 895 9618 3141
Passcode: 447304

We welcome all parishioners, past and present, as well as those who are interested in saving a landmark building. Do you have questions that you would like answered, then please email your questions to StMarysFriendsOrg@gmail.com.

For more information, please see: https://stmarysfriends.org/ Updates can be found on our website https://stmarysfriends.org/news-room/latest-news/