This too is Yonkers–By Eric W. Schoen
Some days I wake up in the morning and say to myself, “What’s going on in our country?” Lately, it’s been more than some days. What is causing the decline in civility? Do people just care about themselves and think they can do anything?
Twins killed when their father left them in a hot car and went to work. How does that happen? There’s even a name for it. It’s called Forgotten Baby Syndrome.
Forgotten Baby Syndrome? How can a parent get out of a car and not realize his two children are sitting in the back seat.
It’s like bus drivers forgetting they have children remaining on a bus and not checking before they leave. Doesn’t he or she have a roster of kids who get on the bus and kids who should get off the bus at their respective sites – and a pair of eyes?
Now we have Congress getting into the act regarding parents leaving their kids in the backseat. You know we are in trouble when Congress gets involved. The Hot Cars Act, introduced in May, would mandate that new vehicles come with alert systems to remind drivers if a child is left in the back seat. The acronym stands for Helping Overcome Trauma for Children Alone in Rear Seats Act of 2019. It’s gone nowhere in D.C.
Why would a parent need such a reminder?
We need a law requiring drivers entering a car to blow into a breathalyzer to make sure they are not drunk. We need laws to stop people driving like animals on our streets. We need to periodically test people’s ability to drive.
Kids or adults throwing water at police officers in New York City, and the mounting outrage it took before it was announced that subjects had been arrested for doing this. What happened to “policemen are your friends?” The animals who did this should have been arrested that night. Somebody on high must have given stand-down orders! We can’t allow this to happen.
Look at what’s going on in our own Mount Vernon. Two mayors? It’s the laughing stock of the country. Who’s in charge of the police? Seems like a third-world country trying to figure out who is in charge of the military.
Why did it take the Mount Vernon craziness so long to go to court? Were they waiting to see who would or would not get paid as mayor? I have a lot of respect for the judge in this case, but I can’t understand why it’s taking him so long to make a decision. The poor people of Mount Vernon have to put up with their beautiful city being out of control. We need a branch of the judiciary to make a decision on this case quickly.
People hitting parks officers’ horses in a New York City park and not being charged with animal cruelty because of some crazy law that doesn’t allow prosecution. Change the damn law! The parks officers could have charged the man hitting the horse with killing or injuring a police animal. It’s a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and up to $1,000 in fines.
Instead, the officers gave the man a $100 ticket for allegedly smoking a hookah in the park, and a disorderly-conduct violation punishable by up to 15 days in jail or a fine of up to $250. Why? Because the horse was not “seriously” injured.
The head of the DC 37 Local 983 union representing parks officers who ride the horses said they didn’t make the call because the cops have told them the charges wouldn’t stick and the city is afraid of lawsuits claiming false arrest. And didn’t Mayor de Blasio come into office saying he would stop horse-drawn carriage rides like the ones tourists pickup in front of Central Park? He can’t do that, but he thinks he can be president? I’ll leave that one to you.
I have no problem with a president of the United States going after a congressman for not doing enough to improve the conditions in his or her district, but to call a place where people live “disgusting, rat and rodent infested” where “no human being would want to live…” Go after the congressman – don’t insult the good people of Baltimore!
Adults not getting their children necessary shots because of crazy, unproven science, or saying it’s against their religion? Thankfully the New York State Legislature removed the religious exemption and the governor signed the legislation.
Kids being allowed to study in buildings in Rockland County that are not up to code and not safe? What parent would allow their child to be in such an environment. That person shouldn’t be a parent!
Parents paying exorbitant sums of money to get their children into college, some not even the top colleges in this country. Parents paying someone to take their children’s exams for entrance into college. Paying off the proctor to allow this. A broken system where so many people for so long had their hands in the cookie jar in the college admissions process.
Parents paying $10,000 to get federal disability designation or 504 to get kids extra time for their children to take SAT, ACT or AP exams, or extra time on quizzes, state assessment and other exams.
But my favorite: A congressmen having a press conference about beach umbrellas. Am I wrong to think that most people who put up a beach umbrella do everything within their power to secure it so that it doesn’t blow away – and God forbid hurt them, their families and the people around them?
You see, Mr. Beach Umbrella Congressman, we all don’t have the money to go to all-inclusive resorts in private planes with “friends” getting large government contracts; resorts where beach umbrellas are secured by individuals at our beck and call who stay nearby and watch that the umbrella we are under doesn’t blow away.
And we are not meteorologists who can predict the way the winds will blow.
Am I right? Am I wrong? Risingmediagroup@gmail.com is where you patriots can make your voice heard.
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen and Dan Murphy on the Westchester Rising Radio Show on Thursdays from 10 to 11 a.m. on WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream, or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.