By Eric Wolf Schoen
So you walk down the street and what is that smell on every street corner you pass. The lovely, fragrant smell of marijuana. As for me I can vomit when I smell it, and not only is the fragrance annoying but people carry it back with them to their offices and everywhere they go on their clothing. Has anybody examined the affects of second hand marijuana smoke? People drop their loose used joints on the ground, and animals digest them as well inhale the horrid smell.
This is only the beginning kids, this is only the beginning of Cannabis comes to New York!
Congress has hearings on the crime problems in New York and the affects of District Attorney Braggs now referred to as turn ‘ em loose Braggs after the famous New York City Judge Turn ‘em Loose Bruce. The D.A. Is letting criminals go free and case after case decisions are made off the cuff and with little thought. Hey Congress, did you forget about holding your hearings on Congressman George Santos, the man who lied his was to the halls of Congress. It’s 3 months into Santos’ term and the fraudster continues to serve the public as little as he can do with so much hanging over his head.
The people in his Congressional district, Democrats and Republicans want him out, but the Republicans in Congress don’t want to lose his vote as the Chamber is split almost evenly. Congress is worried about crime and Santos is the guy who lied ad nauseam to get elected. Is there no one in Washington that has the strength to take on this man. Does anyone in WASHINGTON have principles and character to get this guy out of the halls of Congress?
And Santos has the nerve to announce his reelection bid, 4 months into his first term. I say let’s see who supports him and puts their name on his petitions when they are due. These are the people who should be whisked out of any office they hold . Our local legislators pass a law that sets up a screening body to review candidates like Congresspeople and other elected officials to make sure they are telling the truth. What happened to the political parties who would screen candidates running for office. Are our political parties that weak that they can’t properly vet candidates running for Congress or any office. I say get rid of the political parties who either don’t have the courage to tell the truth or are so obsessed with a vote they will let criminal and civil actions proceed the proper operation of government.
I should have been a Supreme Court Judge when I picked a career. Can you believe all the benefits Clarence Thomas and his lovely wife Ginny are receiving. Private plane rides, fancy private houses, estates at their pleasure. Now we learn other Justices have received these ‘perks’ of the job. How can we expect a fair and impartial court system then the Jurists are getting all these free bonuses. You expect in life certain individuals to be above the law, and here we see Justices showered with goodies for themselves and their families.
I also have major problems with the wife of a Supreme Court Justice getting involved in politics as our dear Ginny has done. In the scheme of things there are just certain conflicts a judge’s wife should avoid. Doesn’t Ginny realize the prestige of having a husband on the Supreme Court and that she should try to stay away from anything with even a remote conflict.
Congress wants to investigate something? Examine all the ‘ freebies’ we now learn officials at all levels of government are receiving. No one pays for our vacations and we make a lot less money then they do.
Not only do we have local, state and county police but now the Chinese have set up a Police Headquarters in New York City that no one knew about. After Covid what else is the Chinese government going to dazzle us with. Is the Chinese police force spying on us, spying on Chinese people living in the United States or what actually are they doing. Is it a passport office speeding passport applications while our poor United States residents wait weeks for their passports, or is it a police office duplicating others we have getting special favors for the Chinese people. Or is there a major spying operation going on by the Chinese government on the people of the United States? Who knows?
We are getting older. So are our doctors and other professionals we encounter on a daily basis. We have to learn to live with their replacement, even though it may not be easy. One word of advice to doctors , a situation that my friend encountered the other day. Make sure you notify your patients of your departure way ahead of time. The worse thing in the world is to have the patient walk in and be surprised that they have a new doctor that was unannounced to them. And now, many doctors are turning their work over to physicians assistants and nurse practitioners. Though these individual are well qualified, you want to see the doctor not an assistant. You don’t get a reduced copay if you see these doctors assistants, so why should you have them perform the examination.
On a positive note, McDonalds is changing up their burgers with more melted cheese and special sauce. Of course that’s good for the dry cleaners, these heavenly liquids dripping from your burger on to your clothing. Well, something positive has to come out of the news this week.
A Note: The Days of Remembrance which is observed every year in April and May, is a week-long commemoration of the Holocaust. This year, it will be observed from April 16 to April 23. The Days of Remembrance was established as the country’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust by the United States Congress. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is responsible for leading the country in commemorating Days of Remembrance and also for encouraging these commemorations. The Holocaust was the state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi rulers, allies, and collaborators.
Let us never forget those who lost their lives in this terrible tragedy.
Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at thistooisyonkers@aol.com.