In New York State you must be a registered voter in a party to participate in that party’s primary. If you want to add or change your party affiliation, your registration form is due by February 14.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 is the last day to change your party enrollment to be effective for any of the primaries. Changes may be made using the NYS voter registration form or the new NYS Board of Elections Online Voter Registration portal. Party enrollment changes received after February 14 will not take effect until the November general election (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-304(3)).
This deadline especially concerns the upcoming democratic primary for Congress in District 16 between Congressman Jamaal Bowman and County Executive George Latimer. Any non-democrat who wants to vote in the primary on June 25 must change their party enrollment by Feb. 14.
This year is also a Presidential election year, and there is a Presidential primary in New York State on April 2.
Do not confuse the Presidential primary with the Congressional primary, and other party primaries in New York State, which will be held on June 25.