For Countywide Elections, does Westchester now have one party rule?

By Dan Murphy
First came the news from the Westchester League of Women Voters, LWV, that they had to cancel an upcoming forum between the two candidates for Westchester District Attorney, Democrat Mimi Rocah and Republican Bruce Bendish. “We are announcing that the League of Women Voters of Westchester is canceling the Westchester County District Attorney Candidates Forum. We are forced to take this action because the Republican candidate has not accepted the League’s invitations to participate. Bruce Bendish did not reply to any of the several email, voicemail or social media message invitations from the League.” wrote Kathy Meany, President of the League of Women Voters of Westchester. “As the League strives to facilitate Forums in a respectful, non-partisan environment, we are disappointed with this non-responsiveness, and it is disturbing that any candidate would not want to take advantage of this non-partisan opportunity to communicate directly with those they seek to represent.”
Shortly after the LWV statement, Bendish told the Journal News and reporter Mark Lungariello that he was withdrawing from the race. “Would I like to be the District Attorney?” Bendish said in the JN story “The answer is, ‘Yes,’ but there are certain realities that I have now learned about since I’ve been involved that are just not conducive to being elected.”
Bendish explained the realities of running against the democratic candidate for DA, Mimi Rocah, in a county where democrats outnumber republicans 2 to 1, and the fact that he cannot campaing in person because of COVID, as to much to overcome.
Bendish, who ran for DA as a republican in 2016, losing to the current DA, Anthony Scarpino, will still be on the ballot on November 3. The reasons for Bendish’s departure from the race did not sit well with many Westchester republicans.

“Bruce knew what the deal was with the democratic enrollment edge when he decided to run, so that excuse is nonsense,” said one Westchester republican. And yeah its hard to campaign during COVID but suck it up and don’t quit. He should have just not actively campaigned and do nothing, except pick up the phone from the LWV and do a debate or two. This looks horrible for my once proud Westchester GOP. He (Bendish) betrayed us.”
Bendish’s announcement underscore the County GOP problem running and electing candidates. There are currently 16 democrats on the county boatrd and one conservative (no republicans). And next year, republicans face another uphill battle for County Executive, with the current CE, democrat Geroge Latimer expected to run again, and win big again. Republicans do have one announced candidate for CE in 2012, Somers resident Dan Branda.