The Town of Eastcheter will hold its annual ceremony on Saturday, September 11th, 2021 beginning at 8:35am in front of the Eastchester Town Hall located at 40 Mill Road. In the event of rain, the ceremony will be moved inside and capacity will be limited. The Town of Eastchester lost 9 of its residents 20 years ago, and will again reflect on the events of that tragic day twenty years ago and remember all of the lives that were lost.

The Harrison Public Library has two events planned related to September 11. On Wednesday September 1, at 7pm join Artist Donald Sexton for a 9/11 Memorial Art Talk. During this free virtual program, Artist Donald Sexton will be displaying his paintings virtually with the Harrison Library during the month of September and discussing his paintings of 9/11 on September 1. These paintings, one above, were created en plein air from various vantage points around Ground Zero in the two or three months immediately after 9/11. In New York, he lived seven blocks north of Ground Zero and for several weeks put on a mask, carried his paints, and went to Ground Zero.
Register at https://www.harrisonpl.org/events/harrison/18185

The Harrison Library will also hold an
The Harrison Library will also hold an author Event Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 on Tuesday, September 21 at 7 pm. This virtual author event commemorating 9/11 will feature Middle Grade and Young Adult authors Nora Raleigh Baskin (Nine, Ten: A September 11 Story), Gae Polisner (The Memory of Things) and Jeff Rogers (Eleven). It seems appropriate to host this event on September 21 — International Day of Peace. The entire community is invited to this special program being offered in partnership with the Mamaroneck and Tuckahoe Public Libraries. A Q&A will follow after the panel discussion.
Book Synopsis:
Eleven by Tom Rogers – Alex Douglas always wanted to be a hero. But nothing heroic ever happened to Alex. Nothing, that is, until his eleventh birthday. When Alex rescues a stray dog as a birthday gift to himself, he doesn’t think his life can get much better. Radar, his new dog, pretty much feels the same way. But this day has bigger things in store for both of them. This is a story about bullies and heroes. About tragedy and hope. About enemies with two legs and friends with four, and pesky little sisters and cranky old men, and an unexpected lesson in kindness delivered with a slice of pizza. This is Eleven: the journey of a boy turning eleven on 9/11. A best-seller at the 9/11 Memorial Museum, a Kirkus “Best Books” selection, and winner of Writer’s Digest and Moonbeam Children’s Book awards.
The Memory of Things by Gae Polisner – On the morning of September 11, 2001, sixteen-year-old Kyle Donohue watches the first twin tower come down from the window of Stuyvesant High School. Moments later, terrified and fleeing home to safety across the Brooklyn Bridge, he stumbles across a girl perched in the shadows, covered in ash, and wearing a pair of costume wings. With his mother and sister in California and unable to reach his father, a NYC detective likely on his way to the disaster, Kyle makes the split-second decision to bring the girl home. What follows is their story, told in alternating points of view, as Kyle tries to unravel the mystery of the girl so he can return her to her family. But what if the girl has forgotten everything, even her own name? And what if the more Kyle gets to know her, the less he wants her to go home? The Memory of Things tells a stunning story of friendship and first love and of carrying on with our day-to-day living in the midst of world-changing tragedy and unforgettable pain―it tells a story of hope.
Nine, Ten: A September 11 Story by Nora Raleigh Baskin – Ask anyone: September 11, 2001, was serene and lovely, a perfect day—until a plane struck the World Trade Center. But right now it is a few days earlier, and four kids in different parts of the country are going about their lives. Sergio, who lives in Brooklyn, is struggling to come to terms with the absentee father he hates and the grandmother he loves. Will’s father is gone, too, killed in a car accident that has left the family reeling. Naheed has never before felt uncomfortable about being Muslim, but at her new school she’s getting funny looks because of the head scarf she wears. Aimee is starting a new school in a new city and missing her mom, who has to fly to New York on business. These four don’t know one another, but their lives are about to intersect in ways they never could have imagined. Award-winning author Nora Raleigh Baskin weaves together their stories into an unforgettable novel about that seemingly perfect September day—the day our world changed forever.
Register for this free virtual program at https://www.harrisonpl.org/events/harrison/18177