Westchester Democrats Thank President Biden for His Service as He Withdraws from 2024 Reelection Bid

On Sunday, July 21, President Joe Biden issued a statement which included, “My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

Westchester Democrats commented on Biden’s announcement.

Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano said, “With over 50 years of service to this great nation, President Biden served with honor and distinction. History will show his leadership moved our nation forward and his legacy will be one of courage and grace.”

Yonkers Democratic Chair Tom Meier said, “We thank President Biden for his many years of service to our country and for his leadership in some of our most difficult times. We especially thank him for his leadership now and taking steps to put his party and country first.   I along with many leaders in the Yonkers Democratic City Committee full support Vice President Kamala Harris as our party’s nominee for President of the United States.”

Former Congressman Jamaal Bowman stated, “It has been an honor to serve alongside President Joe Biden during my time in Congress. When Democrats had control of the house from 2020-2022, we had the most productive Congress in US history. President Biden championed historic legislation like the CHIPS and Science Act, the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act and so much more. While I have disagreed with the president on his approach to Gaza, there is no question that he has secured transformational wins for the American people. He ushered us through a global pandemic and invested in the working class people of this nation. At this pivotal moment in history, with a rogue right wing Supreme Court, the threat of a second Trump presidency, and Project 2025 looming, I am glad to see President Biden do what is best for our democracy by suspending his campaign and passing the torch. Now, I strongly believe that we must place our full support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. Vice President Harris is an exceptional leader who is best equipped to finish President Biden’s agenda including passing universal child care and paid leave for all, investing in economic equity, building affordable housing, and taxing the wealthy. I am also excited to see her execute her own transformational vision for the future of our democracy and our foreign policy. It’s time to come together and rally the nation in support of Vice President Harris as our next president. She is the best candidate to beat the disgraced former president. Let us all follow her guiding light.”

Westchester County Executive and Congressional candidate George Latimer said, “It’s time for our party to unite behind @KamalaHarris as our nominee for President. She’s the right person to lead the Democratic ticket and energize voters this November, to deliver for the American people, and stop Donald Trump from returning to the White House. @JoeBiden ran for President to put the values of American Democracy first. From Day 1, he delivered and has been an outstanding President. After a lifetime of honorably serving our country, today is another selfless decision. I’m immensely grateful for all Joe Biden has done.”

17th Congressional District Democratic Candidate Mondaire Jones thanked Biden for his service in office and applauded the record he would leave behind. Biden was in office during Jones’ short tenure in Congress.  “Thank you, also, for saving our democracy once before in the last presidential election,” Jones said on X. “You deserve this much-needed rest, and know that your legacy is secure.”

Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg said, “President Biden has done a tremendous job leading the United States out of the pandemic and into an economy that is the envy of the world. With the narrowest of margins in Congress – with Vice President Kamala Harris frequently casting the 51st vote in the Senate – he pushed for, and won, incredible legislation for our country. His accomplishments include the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, funds from which are supporting projects in my district right now, as well as the nation’s most consequential environmental legislation to date. I am so tremendously grateful for his service to the country. I also share President Biden’s belief that his governing partner is the best person to succeed him in this race. Kamala Harris is well-prepared, eminently qualified, and an inspiration to so many. And who better than a literal prosecutor to make the case against convicted felon Donald Trump? As Democrats, we have an incredible record of success to run on this year, while Republicans have nothing but Project 2025 to offer. The choice is clear; let’s get to work.”

Republican Congressman Mike Lawler stated, “Though President Biden and I have not seen eye to eye on a number of issues, I recognize his deep commitment to our country, and thank him for his years of service to our nation,” Lawler said. “While I respect President Biden’s decades of service to the country, and it’s unfortunate to see it end this way for him, Americans saw what they saw in the Presidential debate just over three weeks ago. It was clear President Biden wasn’t capable of running for re-election, let alone fulfilling another term. Democrat party elites tried to hide this from the American people for well over a year, but have spent weeks desperately working to depose President Biden, usurping the will of over 14.6 million Democratic Primary voters. They have succeeded. But the simple fact remains – no matter who replaces Joe Biden at the top of the ticket for the Democrats, they’ll be leading a party whose elites are increasingly radical and out of touch with the majority of Americans and whose policies have given us a broken economy, a disaster at our Southern border, and left the world a tinderbox. This election will be a referendum on those failed policies.”