County Executive George Latimer is excited to announce the Summer 2022 Westchester County Compost Bin and Rain Barrel Sale.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer said: “We are constantly looking at ways to provide services to County residents that will have a long term benefit on multiple fronts. This is one of those programs. We have undertaken serious efforts to provide opportunities to protect our environment on both a large and small scale and I encourage Westchester residents to take advantage of them.”
The County is selling compost bins and kits, rain barrels, and other accessories at a wholesale cost to the public. For the first sale orders must be placed by July 8 and picked up on July 9 at one of two locations:
1. 9a.m. – 11a.m.: Glenwood Lake, New Rochelle, NY 10801 (at Lakeside Drive and Glenwood Ave)
2. 12p.m. – 2:30p.m.: The Household Material Recovery Facility and CompostED education center at 15 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY 10595.
For more information about the sale and to place an order, please visit: https://westchester.compostersale.com/
The bi-annual bin sales provide Westchester County residents with the tools they need to compost in their own backyards. Backyard composting prevents food scraps from going to the incinerator by turning them into nutrient-rich compost that enhances soil and plant health.
Rain barrels provide a natural source of water for plants and gardens while helping to reduce water costs for the residents and the municipalities and the county. There are several other accoutrements to the barrels and bins also being sold with further opportunities to purchase taking place in the fall.
Already in Westchester County, several municipalities manage volunteer Food Scrap Recycling Programs coinciding with the County’s Residential Food Scrap Transportation & Disposal program, which collect residential food scraps and turn them into compost. This sale will provide County residents with another sustainable way to manage their food scraps and boost the health of their gardens and yards without any of the transportation financial and environmental costs.
Westchester County Director of Energy Conservation and Sustainability Peter McCartt said: “Over the last 4 years the County had partnered with some of the region’s nature centers but they have dropped the program and we are taking it on again after 12 years. I bought my first compost bin from the County 17 years ago and I am so happy to be reinstating this program for all the residents. Creating black gold, as compost is called, is one of the most beneficial actions you can take for your garden and yard. And rain barrels are great, I have two of them filled up right now from all the rain over the last couple weeks. Mother Nature’s own water is the best for your veggies and plantings and this helps to mitigate local flooding during rain events.”