These steps are being taken in an abundance of caution. There is no specific threat to Westchester County at this time.

Westchester County Police will be increasing its patrols around schools and Jewish houses of worship on Friday, October 13. This increased uniformed police presence will occur in the five school districts where the County Police provide School Resource Officers and in the two communities, Mount Kisco and Cortlandt, where it provides municipal police services.
The school districts are: The Lakeland Central School District, Hendrick Hudson School District, Somers Central School District, North Salem Central School District and Katonah-Lewisboro Union Free School District.
In addition, the County Police will be working collaboratively with all of Westchester’s municipal police departments, which are taking similar precautions tomorrow in their respective communities.
These steps are being taken in an abundance of caution. There is no specific threat to Westchester County at this time.
Through our Real Time Crime Center, and our participation on the FBI New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, the County Police receive intelligence information immediately from state and federal agencies and assess it for any potential threat to our County. We will continue to work with our federal, state and municipal law enforcement partners to safeguard Westchester County.