On Monday, March 6, 2023, the Westchester County Legislature Minority Caucus introduced a Legislative Resolution Against Governor Hochul’s New York Housing Compact, which includes two bills, “The New Homes Target and Fast Track Approval Act” and “The Transient-Oriented Development Act of 2023” which would end most instances of local zoning in New York State. The “New Homes Targets and Fast-Track Approval Act” requires the town to meet or exceed a residential dwelling growth target or enact by local law two of five “preferred actions” to be considered in “safe harbor” status. “The Transit-Oriented Development Act of 2023” would amend local laws to adopt land use regulation within three years for higher density development for areas located within one-half mile of any publicly accessible areas of a Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“MTA”) transit station.
“We have worked too hard to have our local zoning laws taken away and the value of our homes compromised. We see opposition to this because the state has been trying to impose land-use regulations on communities with local control for decades. These new zoning laws would take away Home Rule from municipalities and prevent reasonable and appropriate development regulations to ensure that development is compatible with the surrounding uses, such as open spaces, building height, or parking restrictions. These laws would negatively affect our communities!” said Westchester County Legislature Minority Leader Margaret Cunzio (C-Mount Pleasant)
“The most important thing we local elected officials can do is put as much pressure as possible on the State Legislature not to pass the Housing Compact. “The New Homes Target and Fast Track Approval Act” would override local land use regulations and create an unprecedented burden on local services like fire and police. It is unacceptable. The impact it would have on the Village of Bronxville would be catastrophic. I am happy to propose this legislative resolution to help save local zoning. “The Transient-Oriented Development Act of 2023” is shortsighted. Governor Hochul has been advocating creating more affordable housing, but this bill does nothing to create affordable housing. Instead, it will create more luxury apartments in neighborhoods across Westchester,” said Westchester County Legislature Minority Whip James Nolan (R-Yonkers). “The proposed changes would cost Westchester County nearly $40 million. I am seeking help from my Westchester County Board of Legislators colleagues to support this resolution. Westchester County does not need this,” continued Minority Whip Nolan.
If the legislative resolution passes, it will be effective immediately. A copy of this resolution will be sent to Governor Kathy Hochul, Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, and the Members of the Westchester County State Delegation.