The Motorola Solutions – Evolv CWD system at the Westchester Department of Correction
To add another layer of security at its jail complex, the Westchester Department of Correction (WDOC) has started using a sophisticated weapons detection system at its main civilian entrance (Post 1).
The Motorola Solutions – Evolv CWD system is calibrated and designed to detect specific weapons and explosives and to ignore common items such as keys, cell phones, belt buckles, and other metallic items. All persons entering through Post 1 (foot traffic) will be required to pass through and clear the Evolv CWD system prior to being granted access to WDOC grounds. The system uses low frequency radio waves and does not emit any radiation. It is considered safe for use on all individuals, however individuals with any safety concerns should bring those issues to the attention of on duty staff members.
Department of Correction Commissioner Joseph Spano said: “The implementation of this technology was not in response to any specific threat, and is just another proactive measure to enhance overall facility safety for staff, residents and civilian visitors. It aligns with other technological measures that have recently been installed at our complex to combat the introduction of contraband, such as the full body scanner units being used at our intake and visitation centers, and our mail screening units. These security enhancements are made possible because of the support we receive from County Executive Latimer and his Administration. The WDOC workforce greatly appreciates that support and are very pleased to have this additional layer of security in place.”
Motorola Solutions-Evolv CWD technology has been used to screen more than 60 million people-second in numbers only to the US Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration. The system spots concealed weapons and other threats using advanced digital sensors and artificial intelligence and has proven to operate up to 10 times faster than the traditional metal detectors.
Founder, Shepherd Communication and Security Richard Ruzzo said: “We believe that the Westchester Department of Correction is the first New York State jail to leverage sophisticated technology of this nature. Our team worked very closely with WDOC representatives to ensure that the Motorola Solutions – Evolv CWDsystem meets all of their expectations and delivers the intended protections without sacrificing the visitor experience”.
The Westchester Department of Correction is considered a national leader in the space, recognized for its robust rehabilitation program system and accreditation certifications through the American Correctional Association, the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare and the Prison Rape Elimination Act.