Fallout From Anand Singh Scandal Continues

Westchester County Board of Legislator Chair Catherine Borgia
By Dan Murphy
The fallout from the scandal involving Anand Singh, former staff member at the Westchester County Board of Legislators who was caught in an online, undercover underage sex sting, continues after 14 democrats on the Westchester County Board of Legislators have called on Board Chair Catherine Borgia to resign.
BOL Chair Borgia, in a statement on April 25, refused to resign. “During my time on the Westchester County Board of Legislators, and more recently as Chair, we have indeed passed historic and life-changing pieces of legislation. Make no mistake about it – my record is indeed unprecedented. Additionally, during my time on the Board, I have faced numerous challenges, but none more troubling than the situation in which we find ourselves today.
“Instead of the facts of the situation, some of my colleagues have been distracted by politics and personal advancement. They believe a political witch hunt against me will advance them individually.
“We all agree that the staffer who was fired displayed conduct that was deeply disturbing, that is clear. We have the opportunity to use this situation to make our institution stronger and more resilient, instead it is being weaponized for personal benefit.
“Targeting me is an example of pervasive misogyny and political hubris that will destroy this institution. This is not just about one incident or one individual – it is about a culture of disrespect and disregard for women’s contributions and voices.
“I have followed the law. I have upheld the County Charter. I have followed the ethics laws and Rules that govern this body. I am proud of my unparalleled record of legislative accomplishment and leadership in the service of the people of Westchester. I will not resign.”
On April 24, the statement from the democratic legislators on the BOL reads,” “We, members of the Westchester County Board of Legislators, are asking Chairwoman Catherine Borgia to resign from her position as Chair. While she has been a leader that has guided us through historic and life-changing pieces of legislation, we have lost confidence in her ability to lead this body and the staff that supports it. Government’s job is to protect people and ensure those ideals are clear in our words and actions.”
Also prior to Borgia’s statement, a story from The Yonkers Ledger claims that Westchester County Police Commissioner Terrance Raynor recommended that Singh be fired. The story reads, “Being unable to secure the video evidence he sought, even from Ramy, Raynor still made a recommendation to Chairwoman Borgia. Commissioner Raynor told Borgia that while not able to fully corroborate the claims, that she should still terminate the employment of Anand Singh. He even assured her that he would handle it personally saying, “I’ll come up there and escort him out myself.” https://www.theyonkersledger.com/news/police-advice-to-legislators-chair-borgia-on-accused-sex-predator-fire-him/3258/.
The FBI and Westchester DA Mimi Rocah are investigating the Singh matter. Singh has yet to be charged with a crime or arrested.