The Westchester Black Women’s Political Caucus, (WBWPC)-Yonkers Chapter recently celebrated their present and former members who are currently serving the Yonkers community in elected positions: Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins, New York State Senate Majority Leader, Pro Temp (District 35), Hon. Shanae V. Williams, Yonkers City Councilwoman (1st District), Hon. Lakisha Collins-Bellamy, Yonkers City Council President-Elect (the First African American to hold this position), Former Members: Hon. Karen N. Best and Hon. Verris B. Shako (the First African American Female Justices to serve on the Yonkers City Court).
All of these women have made history, so as a token of our Sisterly Love they were given a Certificate of Recognition and a Green Tahitian Pearl Necklace for their political achievements. The Green Pearl represents hope, balance, growth and renewal, as well as, it is the color of the Caucus. This was the perfect gift for them because of their political accomplishments. Their commitment and resilience continue to provide opportunities to help make changes in Yonkers and in New York State. Also receiving special recognition were President Emeritus, Cheryl Brandon, (Founder of the Yonkers Chapter) Subomi Macaulay, (Countywide President) and Beryl Weaver, (Yonkers Chapter President).
The Chapter installed their new officers and passed on the baton to Kim Cauthen, (President) Charlotte Vinson, (Vice President) Andrea Shako, (Treasurer) Wanda Edwards, (Financial Secretary) Imani McCalla, (Recording Secretary) Maddie Cheatham, (Corresponding Secretary) and Tai Johnson, (Director).
The Yonkers Chapter meets on the second Monday every month via zoom until further notice. For more information please Email: yonkerswbwpc@gmail.com.