Westchester Parks Foundation and Westchester County Parks today announced the dates for its 46th Annual Bicycle Sundays 2020 season. The program kicks off on May 3 and continues Sundays in May, June and September – except Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends. During this annual event, bicyclists, skaters, joggers and walkers take over several miles of the Bronx River Parkway. The course will be slightly modified this year, beginning at Main Street in White Plains (instead of Westchester County Center) and continue south to Scarsdale Road in Yonkers. The program is supported fully through generous donations from Con Edison.
It is recommended that participants wear a mask or a face covering in situations like this where social distancing may not always be able to be maintained.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer said: “We understand the need to strike the correct balance between maintaining important social distance guidelines, and providing people with an escape from the pandemic. We are excited to be able to continue this Westchester County tradition that many look forward to all year long.”
Joe Stout, Executive Director of Westchester Parks Foundation, stated: “Now more than ever we need to #StandUpForParks and the essential service they provide for all Westchester residents. We are thrilled to continue this iconic event that provides a healthy lifestyle and promotes importance of environmental preservation for generations to come. We are grateful to Con Edison for their generous support and commitment to parks and open space.”
Westchester County Parks Commissioner Kathy O’Connor said: “Seeing Bicycle Sundays return is extremely gratifying. We thank County Executive Latimer for believing in the power of parks to help people get through this challenging time, and we also thank the Parks Foundation and our great sponsors for the funding they provide.”
Bicycle Sundays runs between White Plains and Yonkers. There are numerous points of entry along the route. Although parking will be available in the Westchester County Center east parking lot, participants will follow signs and directions to enter the route at Main Street once they exit their cars. Bicycle Sundays are free and open to the public.
Residents and visitors can enjoy Bicycle Sundays this year on the following dates between
10 a.m. and 2 p.m.:
May 3, 10, 17, 31
June 7, 14, 21, 28
Sept 13, 20, 27
Bicycle Sundays are a beloved Westchester tradition since 1974. Since 2012, this program has been funded solely by Westchester Parks Foundation and its partners. No public funding goes towards keeping this program going. Each year, more than 60,000 thousand cyclists, joggers and others come out to enjoy the curves and wooded scenery that make the nation’s first parkway a national historic landmark. The path winds alongside the wooded Bronx River Reservation.
For more information visit: https://www.thewpf.org/programs/bicycle-sundays/
The Greenburgh Medical Advisory Committee wrote:
Staying healthy is important during this crisis. Exercise and being outside is part of a healthy regime. However, the benefits must not outweigh the negatives, particularly the risk of contracting COVID-19.
The medical advisory committee is concerned that, at this point in time, the risks associated with Bicycle Sundays outweigh the benefits.
Public health literature advises that those exercising outdoors maintain at least a 6-foot distance to reduce risk. But it is impractical for bicyclists on the Bronx River Parkway to maintain a 6-foot minimum physical distance.
Wearing masks is of course useful. But wearing masks doesn’t mean that physical distancing should not be maintained, as different masks have different degrees of efficiency. Additionally, wearing a mask, particularly when one is exercising, can cause glasses to fog up, increasing the risk of accidents.
According, the Medical Advisory Committee suggests that Bicycle Sundays be deferred for the time being.